The Grades - Outline

Rudiments: The basic actions done at the beginning of a session to set the pc up for the major session action. The normal rudiments are clearing up ARC breaks (upsets), Present Time Problems (worries) and Withholds (something pc feels he shouldn't say) - they are explained under each heading in basic definitions.

The Grade Chart
The general direction of auditing is to raise the cause level and responsibility level of the pc. Along with that comes an increase in awareness. Increased awareness could be said to be the ultimate indicator of progress and product of auditing. The awareness scale can be found as an indicator scale along with the Grades on the Grade Chart (shown in table below).


The auditor's command makes pc look in her Bank and causes a restimulation. TA goes from 2.7 to 2.9. Pc gets an answer from the Bank, that she tells auditor. That causes a destimulation. TA goes from 2.8 to 2.6 in example. This is the basic action of removing charge - one unit at the time.

What is most important as a practical measurement to an auditor is however Tone Arm action. Upward motion of the Tone Arm means pc contacted and restimulated some mass in his Bank. Downward motion of the Tone Arm means the mass was destimulated, reduced or As-is-ed by the pc. That is what you do as an auditor. An archeologist may use a teaspoon to remove the sand and dirt covering a treasure. The auditor uses one auditing command at the time to accomplish something similar. The Tone arm action is the session to session indicator of, that the pc is confronting and As-is-ing his Bank little by little. It tells the auditor that the process is working. When this happens the pc's case changes for the better. He will have cognitions, which are new awarenesses. 

Given enough Tone Arm action the pc will move up the awareness scale and any other scale of Clearing Technology. He moves towards his native state of being a very powerful being. Our assumption is clearly, Man is basically good and an able being. By removing charge he regains these abilities gradually that he basically had all along. The Grades are laid out in a way as to keep the Tone Arm moving on pc's. They are also laid out to cover the most important areas of the pc's life and his case. They are laid out in a natural sequence found by research and confirmed by experience. The Grades are laid out to tackle the next obstacle to higher awareness and spiritual freedom. Having tackled one obstacle the pc's attention and interest will quite naturally move onto the next one which is now coming into view; that is the next Grade. It is like a journey. You get over one mountain and now you can see the next peak over there!  Now we have to get up to the top of  that one.

Basically Grade 0-4 (Ability Clearing) cover the subject matters of the rudiments, but on a grander scale.

As you know from Level 0, the rudiments are the factors that can prevent effective auditing from taking place. A pc has to be in-session (interested in his own case and willing to talk to the auditor) for auditing to work. We had the data from 'How to Fly the Rudiments':

"There are three common reasons that a pc isn't in-session. These are also the three common rudiments. They are:
1) ARC Breaks, 2) Present Time Problems and 3) Withholds.
If you audit a pc, who has an ARC break he will become worse.
If you audit a pc who has a Present Time Problem or a Withhold, no change will occur."

"So it is important to address these things right at the beginning of the session so the pc can benefit from the Major Action."

In 'Auditors Rights' it states:

"A pc to run well has to have his 'Rudiments In'. It is a major auditing error to audit a pc on something else if his ruds are out." and, "An auditor should never begin a Major Action on a pc not set up for it."

What is said about auditing and Major Action in these quotes could be said to hold true for life as well. Life and successful living is being simulated in auditing you could say. If a person 'has his rudiments in solid' on life he is more likely to enjoy life and succeed.

  Awareness Grade Subject Audited Ability EP
11 Activity
10 Prediction
Ability Release
Grade 4
Service Facsimiles, Justifications, 'Certainties' Moving out of fixed conditions. Ability to do new things
9 Body
8 Adjustment
7 Energy
Freedom Release
Grade 3
Past upsets, change Free of upsets of the past; ability to confront future
6 Enlightenment
5 Understandings
4 Orientation
Relief  Release
Grade 2
Overts and Withholds Relief from hostilities and sufferings of life
3 Perception
2 Comm
Problems Release
Grade 1
Help, Problems
(Also Objectives, if not done earlier)
Able to see source of problems and make them vanish
1 Recognition  Comm Release
 Grade 0
Communication Ability to communicate freely to anyone on any subject
-1 Help Recall Release Self Analysis, Recall Knows he won't get any worse

The Awareness scale is tentatively aligned with these Grades. It is an expression of that the general purpose of the auditing is to raise the awareness level of the pc.
On different versions of the Grade Chart they were placed differently.

The 'Ability Attained' expresses a common denominator of wins - a minimum if you will. If this is not obtained after running all processes of a Grade, additional processes exist, that the C/S can use to get the pc there. The C/S would first double-check that the normal processes were run  correctly and fully.


About Grades

On the Recall Grade the pc became able to contact his Bank and mental image pictures and started to look at them and handle them from a causative point of view.

On Grade Zero, communication, the pc became able to be there and communicate. Since communication is necessary to any successful living, and auditing as well, it was addressed early on. Communication is an undercut to handling rudiments, be it problems, upsets or Withholds. Increasing ones ability and desire to communicate is of course one first important step in handling Withholds as well.

On Grade One, Problems, we looked at problems and took a good look at the mechanisms behind confusions and problems to a point where the pc was able to see the source of his problems and make them vanish.

On Grade Two we are taking a look at Overts and Withholds (O/Ws). To clear up Overts and Withholds is an important step as these things could be said and understood to be behind any out rudiment phenomena.

On Grade Three we look at upsets. We clear up past upsets and relationships gone bad. This corresponds to the ARC break rudiment.

On Grade Four we look at pc's computations. We are inspecting aberrated ideas and considerations the pc makes himself. It's a type of 'crooked ideas' that restimulated his Bank in the first place and kept it in place. One important type of aberrated computations we will find and inspect is the so-called Service Computation. It's a computation that makes the pc feel 'I am right and others wrong' in an aberrated way.

Following in this section (Level 0) you will see the full Grade Chart to Clear. It is mainly a reference but it outlines the basic program for any pc. He starts at the bottom and completes one Grade and is put on the next one.

The Case Supervisor 
There are some different possibilities at the very beginning of that chart of what is the best starting point for the individual pc. What we have listed above does not cover that. The Grades can be done by all pc's with tremendous benefits. But to start a case on auditing that leads up to Grade 0  there are some choices. The beginning steps are usually to handle any effects of drugs, medicines and toxins on a case as these are in the way of auditing. Drugs reduces a person's ability to recall and do other mental exercises necessary to auditing so this usually has to be addressed first.  But it is much like a curriculum in school where some basics have to be covered and you sometimes err to the side of caution. The case supervisor is the person who determines the pc's exact program.

So usually there is a pc, an auditor and a case supervisor (C/S). The case supervisor oversees the activity and gives the auditor written instructions. He writes up a program for the auditor to follow for that particular pc, but the basic program is the Grade Chart. The case supervisor's first duty is to make sure that the pc makes it with all the gains possible and available to him.


pc: N.N.                Date xx/xx/xx
Aud: Joe D.

Session went v. well
Next C/S:

1. Fly a Rud to F/N
2. Process X to EP
3. Process Y to EP
3. Return to C/S

                      Auditor Joe D.

C/S OK. Mr. C/S.

C/S, the Case Supervisor. He 
writes the Auditing Program and 
inspects the reports to ensure 
optimum results. 'Mr. C/S' only 
communicates about pc in writing.

C/S, The Case Supervisor's 
written instructions for one 
session are called a C/S. 
The overall plan is called 
the Auditing Program.





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