1. to be able to.


1. steel or aluminum hand held cylinders connected to a Clearing Biofeedback Meter.

CAN’T [contraction of can not]

1. to not able to.


1. one’s advancement or achievement in a particular vocation. 2. a life work; profession; occupation.


1. without anxiety or worry.


1. exercising care or taking care; watchful, cautious. 2. marked by attentive concern.


1. upsets, confusions and/or difficulties. 2. the way a person responds to the world around him by reason of his upsets, confusions and/or difficulties. 3. the conditions handled in Clearing.


1. an increase in ability. 2. the improvements a person experiences from Clearing. 3. getting rid of those things in your life that you don’t want; bringing into reality those things that you want to manifest in your life.

CAUSE (noun)

1. anything producing an effect or result. 2. a person or thing acting voluntarily or involuntarily as the agent that brings about an effect or result: as, His attitudes about life were the cause of his success. 3. a situation, event or agent that produces an effect or result: as, Carelessness is often a cause of accident. [Latin causa, a cause, reason]

CAUSE (verb)

1. to bring about. 2. to make happen. 3. to produce an effect.

CAUSING (verb)

1. bringing about; making happen; producing.


1. fixed; settled. 2. assured in mind or action. [Latin certus, determined, fixed, settled]


1. knowing one knows. 2. a firm, settled belief or positiveness in the truth of something.


1. a succession of incidents, occurring at various intervals along the Time Track that are related to one another by some similarity of either subject, general location, people or perception (Such a succession of similar incidents may span a brief period or a very long period of time).


1. to make different in some way; to cause to become different; alter: as, Do you think success will change him?


1. caused to become different; altered; converted.


1. the disorder of formless matter and infinite space, supposed to have existed before the ordered universe. 2. any great or complete confusion or disorder.


1. moral or ethical quality. 2. essential quality; nature; attribute. 3. moral strength; self-discipline; fortitude.


1. harmful energy or force accumulated and stored within the reactive quality of the subconscious mind, resulting from the conflicts and unpleasant experiences that a person has had.


1. a simple outline on which information can be plotted or written. 2. the charts which delineate the steps of Clearing or training in Alethiology or Alethanetics. [see LIFE EXPANSION CHART, BEGINNING COURSES CHART, MASTERY OF CLEARING CHART, CREATIVE REALIZATION CHART].


1. an outline consisting of the highest and the lowest attitudes related to survival, such as fully alive, dead; right, wrong; fully responsible, no responsibility; owns all, owns nothing.


1. a short examination, done according to an exact procedure given in a course, to see if a student understands and can apply what she has been studying.


1. a list of steps on a course that one goes through and signs off when complete. 2. a list of materials, often divided into sections, that give the theory and practical steps which, when completed, give one a study completion. (The items are selected to add up to the required knowledge of the subject. They are arranged in the sequence necessary to a gradient of increasing knowledge on the subject. After each item there is a place for the initial of the student or the person checking out the student. When the checksheet is fully initialed, it is complete. The student now takes an exam and is granted an award for completion.)


1. full of encouragement. 2. full of joy, good spirits, comfort. 3. filled with cheer; bright and attractive: as, acheerfulsmile. 4. willing; hearty: as, acheerfulhelper. 5. the emotional tone of 3.5 on the Scale of Emotional Expression. [see SCALE OF EMOTIONS].


1. a recurrence, constant or periodic, of the original physical pain, deformity or illness which has been stored in the reactive quality of the mind as the result of an engram-type incident.


1. a part of an individual’s mind that behaves as though it were someone or something separate from the individual and that either talks to him or goes into action of its own accord, and may even, if severe enough, take control of him while it operates.


1. a fact or event accompanying another fact or event: as, if you knew all thecircumstances, you would judge me differently.


1. the ability to perceive things that are not in sight or that cannot be seen with the body’s eyes. 2. keen perception; great insight.




1. a study technique whereby the student demonstrates definitions, principles, concepts, or ideas with modeling clay. 2. the adding of mass (in the form of modeling clay) to something intangible to enhance understanding.


1. a process (using clay) done by a Preclear in session with a Clearing Practitioner.

CLEAR (adjective)

1. bright; light; free from clouds or mist: as, a clear day. 2. perceptive; orderly; logical: as, a clear mind. 3. free from confusion or ambiguity; not obscure; easily understood: as, the meaning is clear. 4. certain; positive: as, I am clear on that matter. 5. free from guilt; innocent: as, a clear conscience. [Latin clarus, clear sounding, hence clear, bright]

CLEAR (noun)

1. a person who has erased all wrong answers from his subconscious mind. 2. a quality of existing in harmonious alignment with others. 3. a person who is free of the reactive quality of the subconscious mind. 4. an unrepressed person. 5. someone who could mentally confront anything and everything in the past, present and future. 6. the name of a button on an electronic calculator. (When the CLEAR button is pressed itclearsall previous calculations from the memory bank of the calculator. Before a calculator can be used to solve a problem, it must be cleared of old problems, of old data and conclusions; otherwise, it will add all the old conclusions in the new one and produce an invalid answer). 7. a Clear is a person who has cleared all wrong and useless answers from the mind that keep him from living and thinking freely. 8. a relative word applied to a person who has raised himself on the Scale of Emotional Expression to a level where he has command of his thinking process.

CLEAR (verb)

1. to make clear or bright. 2. to free from impurities, blemishes, cloudiness, muddiness, etc. 3. to free from obscurity or ambiguity; make intelligible, plain or lucid. 4. to rid of obstructions, entanglements or obstacles; open: as, He cleared a path. 5. to free (a person or thing) of or from something. 6. to release all the physical pain and painful emotion from the life of the individual.


1. a making clear or being cleared. 2. the action of erasing or releasing harmful energy from the reactive mind, allowing the person to discover the truth for herself. 3. procedures designed to help an individual become well and happy, includes as its basic principle, the exhaustion of all the painfully unconscious moments of a person’s life; returning a person to complete rationality, sanity and health through erasure of reactive material in the subconscious mind. 4. asking a person a question, getting an answer to that question and acknowledging the individual for that answer. 5. the application of Alethiology and Alethanetic processes and procedures to someone by a trained Clearing Practitioner, allowing the Preclear to discover the truth for himself. 6. removing wrong answers, false data, barriers, unknowns, etc., from the mind.


1. a meter used in a Clearing session that measures the electrical resistance of the skin, thereby determining which parts of the reactive subconscious mind are accessible to Clearing. See also E-METER


1. the communication cycle used in Clearing, consisting of: a) The Clearing Practitioner observing the Preclear to see if the Preclear is ready to receive the Clearing question; b) The Clearing Practitioner asking the Preclear the question; c) TheClearing Practitioner observing the Preclear to see if the Preclear has received the question; d) The Preclear looking into his bank and finding an answer to the question; e) The Preclear telling the Clearing Practitioner (who listens attentively) the answer to the question; f) The Clearing Practitioner acknowledging the Preclear for answering the question; g) The Clearing Practitioner observing the Preclear to see that the Preclear has received the acknowledgement.


1. a person trained and qualified in applying Alethiology and/or Alethanetic Clearing processes and procedures to others for their betterment.


1. a process that deletes or erases reactive material in the subconscious mind without adding any new data or material. 2. a subtractive process.


1. a number of things of the same kind grouped together.


1. a group of Entity Beings held together by a mutual (common to all) bad incident.


1. mechanical perfection and excitement component of the Mind. 2. the conscious mind; analytical mind; the scientific or technological mind.

COACH (noun)

1. a person who questions, guides and directs a student in order to improve the student’s ability and understanding.

COACH (verb)

1. to help a person learn something by asking the individual questions, guiding him through difficulties, etc., following the exact procedures given in a course.


1. (abbreviation for co-operative Clearing) a team of any two people who are helping each other reach a better life with Clearing.


1. the governing rules of an activity. 2. an outline of behaviors which enable greater survival, self-expression and creativity of the individual. (There are a number of codes. These include: Clearing Practitioner’s Code, the Code of Integrity, the Student’s Code and the Preclear’s Code.)

COGNITE (verb)

1. to have a new realization about life resulting in a higher degree of awareness and consequently a greater ability to succeed with one’s endeavors in life.


1. a new realization of life which results in a higher degree of awareness and consequently a greater ability to succeed with one’s endeavors in life.


1. the fact of being aware; perception; knowledge. 2. notice; heed. 3. the range of knowledge possible through observation. [Latin cognito, knowledge from cognitus or cognoscere, to know;co-, together +gnoscere, older form of noscere, to know]


1. having cognizance (of something); informed.


1. without warmth or feeling; without enthusiasm; indifferent.


1. to move from a place thought of as “there” to or into a place thought of as “here.” 2. to reach by moving toward. 3. to arrive or appear.



1. an order; direction. 2. in Clearing, a specific direction given by a Clearing Practitioner to a Preclear for the purpose of bringing about a higher understanding and awareness for the Preclear. 3. an order given to direct attention to the mind.


1. a committing; doing. 2. the thing done.

COMMIT (verb)

1. to do or perpetrate, as an offense or crime. 2. to pledge; bind; engage: as, committed to fight for women’s rights 3. the delivery of a person or thing into the charge or keeping of another: as, committed to a mental hospital.


1. a pledge or promise. 2. to pledge or apply oneself (oneself or one’s energy, time, etc.) to some purpose, activity or person.


1. the amount of time that passes between hearing a question and giving the answer, whether one is talking or silent during that time.


1. the action of sending an idea across a distance to a receipt point (receiver) with the intention that it arrives at the receipt point; at the receipt point there must be attention and an understanding of what was received. 2. an interchange of objects or ideas between two people. 3. the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source-point across a distance to receipt-point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt-point a duplication and understanding of that which emanated from the source-point.


1. a completed communication. 2. the sequence of events that makes up communication: having attention on the person who is to receive the communication; having his attention; sending the communication across with the intention that it will be received exactly as it was sent; having it received exactly as it was sent; and getting a communication back from the receiver saying it was received and understood as sent.


1. processes which bring a person into better control of her body and surroundings; put her into better communication with her surroundings and other people; increase her ability to have things for herself; and bring her into the present, away from her past problems.



1. Grade 0 release; the willingness to communicate with anyone on any subject.


1. a gradient scale ranging from the lowest, which is no communication, at 0.05 to the highest, which is a full exchange of beliefs and ideas, at 4.0.


1. a person who associates with or accompanies another or others; associate; comrade.


1. a Being who lives with and assists someone.


1. ability to do something well, to create a product (such as an object or service) of high quality.


1. to make whole, entire or perfect. 2. to end; finish; conclude.

COMPLETE (adjective)

1. whole; entire; nothing missing or left out. 2. ended; finished; concluded. 3. thorough; perfect.


1. attaining the end result or ability of a specific course, level or Clearing process. 2. a finished level of Clearing or a finished Clearing process.


1. a mass composed of a number of Entity Beings, or Entity Beings and Cluster Groups packed together closely.


1. an irresistible impulse to perform some irrational act.


1. an aberrated evaluation and postulate that conflicts with a person’s skills and abilities. Example: “I must live in poverty to be rich.” 2. non-survival decisions held in place to invalidate others, dominate them, etc.


1. the meaning of something. 2. that which remains after something has been completely understood. 3. an idea about all the characteristics and qualities of something. 4. a workable truth.


1. gettting concepts, or “getting the idea of” (not the feeling because “feeling” refers to the somatic sensations of the MEST body); is especially adapted to persons who are occluded and cannot recall individual incidents. 2. a high thought wave far above perception or reason, addressing hundreds of incidents rather than individual ones.


1. of concepts.


1. relating to; having to do with; in regard to; about: as, his thoughtsconcerningsuccess.


1. manner or state of being: as, the patient is in a critical condition. 2. the set of circumstances surrounding or characterizing a person or thing at a given time. 3. a specific operating state.


1. specific operating states of an individual, reflecting the presence or absence of ethics. 2. the fourteen conditions, in descending order, are: WISDOM, POWER, AFFLUENCE, NORMAL, EMERGENCY, DANGER, NON-EXISTENCE, LIABILITY, DOUBT, ENEMY, TREASON, CONFUSION, STUPIDITY.


1. a systematic series of steps which, when followed, allow a person to ascend out of one condition into a higher condition.


1. clashing, antagonistic, incompatible or contradictory; being in opposition: as, we hadconflictinginterests.


1. to face without flinching or avoiding. 2. to face something directly and easily, seeing it as it is, without straining, resisting or trying to withdraw. 3. to stand facing or opposing, especially in challenge, defiance or accusation.


1. any jumble of things, communications, actions or thoughts that do not make sense; random motion. 2. disorder; bewilderment; embarrassment; failure to distinguish between things. 3. an indiscriminate mixing or throwing together of things so that it is difficult to distinguish the individual elements or parts: as, the international meeting was aconfusionof languages. 4. a very low condition or operating state in which an individual does not know where he i slocated. 5. too many unpredicted changes in circumstances. [Latin confusio from con, together + fusio, fuse]


1. in Grammar a. a systematic arrangement of the forms of a verb. b. the act of giving the forms of a verb according to such an arrangement.


1. related to; associated with; having something to do with; related to: as, good feelings areconnectedwith eating ice cream.

CONSCIOUS (adjective)

1. having a feeling or knowledge (of one’s sensations, feelings, etc. or external things); knowing or feeling (that something is or was happening or existing); aware; cognizant. 2. able to feel and think; awake. 3. aware of oneself as a thinking Being; knowing what one is doing and why. [Latin conscius, knowing, aware]


1. that part of a person’s mental activity of which he or she is fully aware at any given time.


1. that portion of the mind we are most aware of in day-to-day life; the outer mind or the analytical mind. 2. that portion of the mind used by the Being to control all conscious, voluntary actions of the body and to analyze data, handle language. 3. that part of the total mind used by a Being to recognize similarities and differences enabling him to see shades of differences, to see when two things are identical, to see when they are similar and to see when they are completely different.


1. the relation of a result or effect to its cause. 2. a result; effect. [Latin consequi, to follow after].


1. tending to oppose change; tending to preserve established traditions and to resist or oppose any change in these. 2. the emotional tone of 3.0 on the Scale of Emotional Expression. [see SCALE OF EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION]


1. to think over, to believe or to suppose.


1. a thought or idea about something.


1. always; all the time. 2. repeatedly; very often.


1. the action of bringing an injured person back to the scene of the injury and having him go through the motions of the injury at which time the pain will disappear or lessen greatly.


1. to look intently at; gaze at. [Latin contemplari, to gaze attentively, observe]


1. the act of looking at something intently. 2. A Western practice of looking outward at someone or something with eyes open without making any effort to do anything but be there and confront. 3. a subtractive (Clearing) process designed to clear reactive material from the subconscious mind.


1. the feelings or actions of a person toward something he or she considers low or worthless; scornful; disdainful.


1. happening over and over again; repeated often; going on in rapid succession. 2. continuous; going on uninterruptedly.


1. again and again; repeatedly and often. 2. all the time; without interruption.


1. to go on with; keep on; keep up.


1. remained in existence or effect; lasted; endured: as, the war continued for five years.


1. going on or extending without interruption or break.


1. opposed; all together different. 2. opposite in nature, order, direction, etc.


1. to have a share in bringing about (a result); be partly responsible for.


1. the ability to start, change and/or stop things at one’s own choice. 2. to direct the position of.

COPY (noun)

1. a thing made just like another; imitation of an original.

COPYING (verb)

1. making a copy or copies of. 2. making or doing something in imitation.

CORRECT (adjective)

1. conforming with or adhering to a conventional standard; proper: as,correctbehavior. 2. conforming with fact or logic; true; accurate; right; free from error.

CORRECT (verb)

1. to make right; to change from wrong to right; remove errors from. 2. to make conform with a standard.


1. the action of changing from wrong to right; the action of removing errors from.


1. a prepared listed of all the possible errors connected with a particular Clearing action or rundown. (The Clearing Practitioner assesses theCorrection Assessmentusing a Clearing Biofeedback Meter to find and correct the error.)


1. to cause to be dishonest, disloyal, etc. especially by bribery. 2. to alter for the worse. 3. to lower morally; pervert.


1. past tense ofcan. 2. the conditional sense ofCANsuggesting less force or certainty. 3. be able to; have the right to; be permitted to (implies an ability to do or accomplish).


1. could not.


1. opposing, as in opposing direction or opposing purpose.


1. the force which opposes one’s own survival. It can be motionless (a parked car, or a building, bumped or run in to), or in motion (train at a crossing, a fist, a bullet, etc.). 2. an effort for which no responsibility is accepted.


1. the emotions of others in one’s environment, especially if their emotions are against one’s own at the moment.


1. an organized plan of study actions leading to the gain of a practical skill.


1. the person who is in charge of a course, who sees that each student acquires and learns the study materials. (A course supervisor has the job of helping the student to clarify her understanding of the materials so that the theories can be applied in a practical situation. She is there to make sure that the students are not prevented from learning for themselves).


1. hatred or hostility which is covered over by a pretense of friendliness interspersed with cruel or cutting remarks; for example, “My dear, what a beautiful dress; I saw one just like it at the Salvation Army the other day.” 2. an emotional tone of 1.1 on the Scale of Emotional Expression. [see SCALE OF EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION]


1. having or showing lack of courage; being easily or excessively frightened by something recognized as dangerous, difficult or painful.

CREATE (verb)

1. to cause to come into existence or to construct; bring into being; make; originate. 2. to cause; produce; bring about; give rise to. [Latin creare, to grow, cause to grow]


1. at total effect. 2. waiting for something to be done to you.

CREATIVE (adjective)

1. creating or able to create. 2. productive (of); inventive.


1. a process that adds data to the mind or rearranges data already present. 2. an additive process.


1. advanced levels of exercises designed to develop an individual’s ability and awareness.


1. that can be believed; worthy of belief or trust; trustworthy; reliable.


1. an act committed in violation of the law.


1. a person guilty of, or legally convicted of, a crime. 2. a person who habitually engages in illegal activities. 3. one who commits continual present time perpetrations where the perpetrations are considered illegal.


1. the quality or state of being guilty of actions of negligence deemed injurious to the group welfare. 2. the acceptance of actions which are harmful or destructive to the welfare of the group.


1. the act of making judgments. 2. finding fault; disapproval.


1. the condition whereby several or many Entity Beings or Cluster Groups automatically copy another or other Entity Beings’ and Groups’ pictures, valences, charge or whatever, thus further misidentifying themselves and misowning charge.


1. the condition whereby Entity Beings or Cluster Groups copy the reactivation of another or other Entity Beings and Groups and misown the charge as their own, intensifying the amount of reactivation present. (Entity Beings or Groups mock-up pictures and reactivate each other. It takes three to ten days for this manifestation to die down).


1. without mercy or pity; indifference to the suffering of others; hardheartedness; delight in another’s suffering.


1. pressed between two opposing forces so as to break or injure. 2. complete physical or mental annihilation by an opposition force.


1. a group of Entity Beings which is made up of Clustered Groups formed by incidents at different points on the Time Track.


1. skillful; clever. 2. skillful in deception; slyness; craftiness.


1. healed; made well; restored to health by the elimination of disease, distress, evil, etc.


1. eager to learn or know; inquisitive. 2. eagerness or anxiousness to find out things and may suggest a wholesome desire to be informed. 3. strange, surprising, odd.


1. now in progress; of this day, week, month or year: as, thecurrentissue of this magazine.


1. now. 2. generally; commonly; popularly. 1. to stop abruptly; to interrupt rudely; to shut off: as, the man cut the boy’s communication.


1. from the beginning to the conclusion of an intended action.


1. the sequence that an action goes through, wherein the action is started, is continued for as long as it is required and then is completed as planned. 2. start, continue, stop.