1. a stimulus-response reaction dictated by the reactive mind from the content of engrams and put into effect by the somatic mind. 2. a thing done often; practice; custom. 3. a tendency to perform a certain action or behave a certain way; usual way of doing. 4. an addiction.

HAD (verb)

1. past tense of have.


1. an encouragement to the Preclear to continue talking given in the form of slight verbal expressions and/or subtle body gestures.


1. an imagined reality with which nobody else agrees. 2. the apparent perception of sights, sounds, etc. that are not actually present.

HAND (noun)

1. the right or left end of the upper appendage of a human being comprising the palm, thumb and fingers.

HAND (verb)

1. to give over to another; as, please hand me that cup.


1. finish off; complete a cycle or end a cycle.


1. finished off; completed or ended a cycle. 2. dealt with; acted on; controlled; disposed of; taken care of. 3. managed effectively toward a specific accomplishment.


1. an action the Clearing Practitioner takes when a statement about the Preclear is volunteered by the Preclear; an action telling the Preclear, "Yes, I heard it, you're here, thank you." 2. a Clearing Exercise (CE 4) in which the Student Clearing Practitioner is trained to hear an origination, understand it, acknowledge and handle it and return the Coach to the question.


1. the left and right ends of the upper appendages of a human being comprising the palm, thumb and fingers.


1. a delay or suspension in the progress of: as, there was a hang-up in getting the missile launched.


1. to occur; take place; come about. 2. to be or occur by chance or without plan.


1. took place; came about; occurred: as, tell me what happened next. 2. came about with or without intention.


1. the overcoming of not unknown obstacles toward a known goal. 2. the ability to enjoy something or someone and to experience pleasure.

HAPPY (adjective)

1. having, showing or causing a feeling of great pleasure, contentment, joy.


1. demanding great physical or mental effort or labor; difficult.

HARM (noun)

1. injury; damage; hurt. 2. moral injury; evil; wrong.

HARM (verb)

1. to do or cause harm to; injure; damage; hurt.


1. having parts combined in a proportionate, orderly or pleasing arrangement; agreeing. 2. having similar or conforming feelings, ideas, interests, etc.; in accord; agreeable.


1. a combination of parts into a proportionate or orderly whole; agreement. 2. agreement in feeling, action, ideas, interests, etc.; peaceable or friendly relations.


1. creates and sees one's creation. 2. possesses or owns something.


1. has not; did not experience or undergo.


1. term for the title and work of a job or profession; taken from the fact that in many professions, such as railroading, the type of hat worn is the badge of the job.

HATE (verb)

1. to dislike intensely; have a strong aversion to.

HATE (noun)

1. intense dislike; extreme aversion. 2. the emotional tone of 1.4 on the Scale of Emotional Expression, which ranges from 4.0 to 0.0. (see SCALE OF EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION).


1. having or showing great pride in oneself and disdain, contempt or scorn for others; proud; arrogant.


1. to be able to experience and appreciate something: as, she could have cats in the house. 2. to create and see one's creation. 3. to feel that one owns or possesses something.


1. have not; did not experience by undergoing; did not experience the existence of.


1. forced or obliged to experience the existence of. 2. obliged to experience by undergoing.


1. to be able to touch or permeate an area or space. 2. to direct the position of.


1. affinity, reality and communication with the environment. 2. the ability to own or possess something. 3. the ability to enjoy something or someone. 4. that which permits the experience of mass and pressure 5. the ability or willingness to duplicate that which one perceives. 6. the concept of being able to reach or not being prevented from reaching. 7. a process which is run when needed to stabilize the Pc in his present time environment, most commonly after a process or at the end of session. 8. the concept of being able to reach (no-havingness is the concept of not being able to reach).


1. the male person being talked about.


1. physical and mental well-being; soundness; freedom from defect, pain or disease; normality of mental and physical functions. 2. condition of body or mind.


1. the physical sensation associated with the release of thermal energy. 2. the quality of being hot; hotness: in physics,heat is considered a form of energy whose effect is produced by the accelerated vibration of molecules. 3. strong feeling or intensity of feeling; excitement, ardor, anger, zeal, etc.


1. to a greater degree than usual; severely; acutely.


1. larger, greater, or more intense than usual or normal. 2. weighty. 3. burdensome: as, a heavy load.


1. kept in a particular state, situation, or condition. 2. kept in place. 3. stopped; halted. 4. kept from escaping.


1. kept away; kept at a distance.


1. delayed; made to wait.


1. to assist or aid another. 2. that which is needed to advance toward a purpose or goal. 3. that which enhances another person.


1. gave assistance or aid to another. 2. supplied what was needed to advance toward a purpose or goal. 3. been of use to. 4. furthered the advancement of; promoted.


1. the willingness to assist.


1. assisting or aiding another. 2. supplying what is needed to advance toward a purpose or goal. 3. being of use to. 4. furthering the advancement of; promoting.


1. being without the power to help oneself; feeble; weak.


1. a process which allows the Preclear to as-is his failures to help and his denials of help; it allows the Preclear to get a sense of what help he has given and what help he has withheld.


1. the female person being talked about.


1. in this place; in the present state; now.


1. an undisclosed opinion, decision or consideration which an individual formed sometime in the past of how things should be; this decision has never been acknowledged or accepted by others; the individual uses the decision or consideration automatically to judge and measure her own progress as well as the propriety of the actions and behaviors of others.


1. a Range Arm of 3.5 or higher.


1. the male person being talked about.


1. the male person being talked about.


1. to keep back; restrain. 2. to make difficult for; thwart; impede. 3. to make slow or difficult the progress or continuance of. 4. to delay; hold back; check; prevent action.


1. record of events; account of happenings. 2. a known past. 3. knowledge of facts.

HIT (noun)

1. a blow that strikes its mark. 2. a collision of one thing with another. 3. an unjustified or unwarranted attack, intended to harm, the result of which is perceived by the receiver, though the source of it is sometimes not known.

HIT (verb)

1. to give a blow or blows; strike.

HOLD (noun)

1. the act or manner of grasping or seizing; grip. 2. a controlling or dominating force; restraining authority; strong influence.

HOLD (verb)

1. to cause to be or remain in a particular state, situation or condition: as,hold that pose. 2. to keep from going away; not let escape: as,hold the train till we get there. 4. to have a belief or opinion about; regard; consider: as, we hold these truths to be self-evident.


1. any engram command which makes an individual remain in an engram knowingly or unknowingly (stay here, don't move, etc.).


1. man; human being. 2. a MEST body which, when "inhabited" by a Being, becomes possessed of ethics and morals, direction and goals, and the ability to reason.


1. sincere: as, he has an honest face. 2. showing uprightness and fairness: as,honest dealings are respected. 3. respectable, having a good reputation: as, the business has an honest name.


1. the quality of being upright; fair. 2. the quality of having integrity. 3. truthfulness, sincerity, frankness. 4. freedom from deceit or fraud. 5. not mixed with something of less value; genuine, pure.


1. a feeling that what is wanted will happen; desire accompanied by anticipation or expectation. 2. the object of this. 3. a desire that sometime in the future one will cease to have something which he no longer wants but can't seem to get rid of or that one will acquire something he wants.


1. providing no hope; desperate. 2. without hope; despairing. 3. the emotional tone of 0.07 on the Scale of Emotional Expression, which ranges from 4.0 to 0.0. (see SCALE OF EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION).


1. unfriendly opposition or resistance in thought or action.


1. a feeling of bitter hatred, ill will, unfriendliness; active opposition. 2. the emotional tone of 1.9 on the Scale of Emotional Expression, which ranges from 4.0 to 0.0. (see SCALE OF EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION).


1. antagonistic actions; unfriendly opposition; resistances in thought or principle.


1. close to what is being sought. 2. having much heat; characterized by a temperature higher than that of the human body.


1. an item that registers an LFBD on the Clearing Biofeedback Meter.


1. a question that registers an LFBD on the Clearing Biofeedback Meter.


1. in what way or manner; to what effect; to what degree or extent.

HUMAN (adjective)

1. of or characteristic of a person or persons; such as people have. 2. having the form or nature of a person; consisting of people. 3. having or showing the qualities characteristic of people.

HUMAN (noun)

1. a person.

HUMOR (noun)

1. a person's disposition or temperament. 2. a mood; state of mind. 3. the quality that makes something seem funny, amusing, or ludicrous; comicality.

HUMOR (verb)

1. to comply with the mood or whim of (another); indulge. 2. to act in agreement with the nature of; adapt oneself to.


1. the discomfort, pain, or weakness caused by a need for food. 2. a desire, need, or appetite for food. 3. any strong desire; craving.


1. feeling a desire, craving or urgent need for food. 2. craving; eager: as, the father was hungry for work.

HYPNO- OR HYPN (prefix)

1. sleep: hypnophobia. 2. Hypnosis: hypnoanalysis. [< Gk. hupnos, sleep]


a psychoanalytic technique in which hypnosis is used to elicit unconscious material from a patient.


the process of inducing or entering a hypnotic state.

HYP-NO-GOG-IC (adjective)

Variant of hypnagogic .

HYPNOID (adjective)

of or resembling hypnosis or sleep. [Variation HYPNOIDAL]


abnormal fear of sleep.

HYPNOPOMPIC (adjective)

of or pertaining to the partially conscious state preceding complete awakening. [hypno- + Gk. pompe, a sending away + -ic]


1. Greek Myth. The god of sleep.


1. an artificially induced sleep-like condition in which an individual is extremely responsive to suggestions made by the hypnotist. 2. Hypnotism. 3. A sleep-like condition.


therapy based on or using hypnosis.

HYPNOTIC (adjective)

1. a. of or pertaining to hypnosis. b. Of or pertaining to hypnotism. 2. Inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific.-n.

1. a. A person who is hypnotized. b. A person who can be hypnotized. 2. An agent that causes sleep; soporific.


1. the theory or practice of inducing hypnosis. 2. An act of inducing hypnosis.


1. to put in a state of hypnosis. 2. to fascinate by or as if by hypnosis.


1. a person who induces hypnosis.


1. the phenomenon of being out of control.