1. unspoken agreement


1. perceived by touch, tangible. 2. having the sense of touch.


I.to get possession of by force or skill; seize, grasp, catch, capture, win, or the like 1. to get by conquering; capture; seize. 2. to trap or snare (a bird, a fish, an animal). 3. to get hold of; grasp. 4. to capture the fancy of; charm. II.to get by action not involving force or skill; obtain, acquire, assume, etc. 1. to get into one’s hand or hold; transfer to oneself. 2. to eat, drink, swallow, etc. for bodily nourishment. III.to get, adopt; use, etc. by selection or choice 1. to choose; select. 2. to use or employ; resort to: as, he took the whip to his horse. 3. to travel by; get in or on as a means of traveling: as, she took the train. 4. to go to for shelter, safety, etc.: as, the birds took cover. 5. to deal with; consider: as, he took the matter lightly. 6. to occupy: as,take a chair. IV.to get from a source 1. to obtain by observation, experiment, study, etc.: as, he took a poll. 2. to write down; copy: as,take notes. 3. to draw, photograph, etc. a likeness of: as, let me take your picture. V.to get as offered or due; receive, accept, suffer, etc. 1. to win, as a prize, reward. 2. to be the object of; undergo: as,take punishment. 3. to occupy oneself in; enjoy: as,take a nap. 4. to accept (something offered): as,take a bet,take advice. 5. to have a specified reaction to: as, he took the joke in earnest. 6. to confront and get over, through: as, the horse took the jump. 8. to absorb; become impregnated with, as a dye, polish. VI.to receive mentally 1. a) to understand the remarks of (a person). b) comprehend the meaning of (words, remarks). c) to understand or interpret in a specified way. 2. to suppose; presume: as, I take him to be an intelligent person. 3. to have or feel, as an emotion, mental state: as,take pity,take notice. VII.to make or complete by action 1. to do; perform (an act): as,take a walk. 2. to carry: as,take your skates with you. 3. to remove from a person or thing; extract: as, the thief took the silver.


1. picked out; chosen; selected; obtained as the result of a special procedure. 2. received into one’s body.


1. to deliver or express in speech; utter; speak; to express ideas by means of spoken words.


1. Chinese, the way.


1. a 6,000 year old Chinese religion and philosophy based on the doctrines of Lao-tse, advocating balance, integration, harmony and simplicity.


1. recorded on magnetic audio tape.


1. abbreviation for TECHNOLOGY.


1. the presence of a workable technology being applied consistently and correctly.


1. errors in and misapplications of an otherwise workable technology. 2. there are five areas of out tech: can’t handle and use a Clearing Biofeedback Meter, doesn’t know and can’t apply the processes, can’t get and keep a Preclear in session, can’t complete a Clearing Communication Cycle, can’t complete a repetitive Clearing Communication Cycle.


1. a way of directing one’s attention and effort to achieve a desired result. 2. a patterned action, invariable and unchanging, composed of certain steps or actions calculated to bring about range arm action and thus a happier Individual.


1. the methods of application of an art or science as opposed to mere knowledge of the science or of art itself. 2. the detailed, step-by-step organization of data and techniques that enable people to produce desired results over a broad area.


1. influencing or moving physical objects by some means other than through the normal sensory channels. [Greek tele-, far off +kinema, motion]


1. communication between Beings by some means other than the normal sensory channels; transference of thought. [Greek tele-, far off +pathos, feel; coined (1882) by F.W. Myers (1843-1901), English writer]


1. put into words; say: as,tell the facts,tell the truth


1. the degree of hotness or coldness of anything. 2. the degree of heat of a living body.


1. anything that can receive, relay or send a communication (most common usage); also anything with mass and meaning.


1. intense fear; fear with great volume. 2. an emotion resulting from the threat of something frightening reappearing.


1. written study material; an item of written study material. 2. the principal matter on a printed or written page, as distinguished from notes, headings, etc. 3. the actual structure of words in a piece of writing or printing; wording.


1. compared to: as, I am taller than Jill, we arrived earlier than they did. 2. to express exception: as, it was none other than Jim and Betty.

THAT (adjective)

1. the person, thing or idea specified or mentioned: as,that man is John,that pie tastes good. 2. designating the thing farther away: distinguished from this, as, I can see this house more clearly than that one across the street. 3. designating something or someone that is not described but that is well known or easily recognizable: as,that certain feeling, there comes that smile!

THAT (pronoun) I. as a demonstrative pronoun:

1. the person or thing mentioned or understood: as,that is John,that tastes good. 2. the thing farther away: distinguished from this, as, I can see this more clearly than that. 3. one of two things which are compared or contrasted: as, of the two possibilities, this is more likely than that. II. as a relative pronoun: 1. who, whom, or which: as, the road that we took. 2. where; at which; on which: as, the place that I saw him. 3. when; in which; on which: as, the year that she was born.

THAT (conjunction)

1. to introduce a noun clause: as,that he gone is obvious, the truth was that we never saw him. 2. to introduce a clause expressing purpose: as, they died that we might live. 3. to introduce a clause expressing result: as, he ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up. 4. to introduce a clause expressing cause: as, I’m sorry that I caused you such annoyance.

THAT (adverb)

1. to that extent or to the degree indicated: as, the diamond was that big.

THAT’S IT! (Slang)

1. means that a meeting, a game, a seminar, an exercise is over; the result has been achieved. [American English, late 1960’s through early 1980’s]

THE (adjective, definite article)

I.the (as opposed to a,an) is used to refer to a particular person, thing, or group, as: 1. that (one) being spoken of or already mentioned: as,the story ended. 2. that (one) which is recent, close, nearby, etc., as distinguished from all others, which are considered remote: as,the day just started,the heat is oppressive. 3. that (one) designated or identified, as by title:the President of the United States,the Mississippi (River). 4. that (one) considered outstanding, most fashionable, etc.: as, that’s the restaurant in town (usually given special emphasis when spoken and italicized when printed). 5. that (one) belonging to a person previously mentioned: as, take me by the hand, rub into the hair (equivalent to your his, her, my, our, one’s, etc.) 6. that (one) considered as a unit of purchase, etc.: as, at five dollars the half ton (equivalent to a, per, each, etc. II.the is used to refer to that one of number of persons or things which is identified by a modifier, as by: 1. an attributive adjective: as,the front door. 2. a relative clause: as, “ask the man who owns one.” 3. a prepositional phrase: as,the hit of the week. 4. an infinitive phrase: as,the right to freedom. 5. a participle: as, follow the directions given. III.the is used to refer to a person or thing considered generically or universally, as: 1. one taken as the representative of the entire genus or type: as, he learned to use the typewriter,the cow is a domestic animal. 2. an adjective used substantively: as,the good,the beautiful,the wise,the true.

THE (adverb)

1. that much; to that extent: as,the better to see you with. 2. by how much. . .by that much; to what extent. . .to that extent: used in correlative construction expressing comparison, as,the sooner the better.


1.Slang. means “sweetness and light” (England, 1960’s) a person who can’t face anything; he only thinks about it.


1. a person who appears serene but actually does not know what is going on in his environment or in his mind. 2. the person who cannot observe but thinks obsessively.


1. the act of stealing; the wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal goods of another.


1. of, belonging to, or done by them.


1. people in general. 2. the objective case of they.

THEN (adverb)

1. at that time: as, we were young then, then I shall go. 2. soon afterward; next in time: as, he got up, took his hat, and then left. 3. next in order: as, first there is Fred’s desk,then there is David’s. 4. in that case; therefore; accordingly: as, if he read it,then he knows; do it your own way,then. 5. besides; moreover: as, but I like to walk, and then it cheaper. 6. at another time: used as a correlative with now, sometimes, etc.: as, now she’s happy,then sad.

THEN (adjective)

1. of that time; being such at that time: as, the then director.

THEN (noun)

1. that time: as, by then, they were gone.


1. an idea or mental plan of the way to do something. 2. the part of a study of a subject or course dealing with ideas, explanations and principles rather than the techniques and practices. 3. originally, a mental viewing; contemplation.


1. a treating, curative or remedying service.


1. treating, curative or remedying services.


1. in that place. 2. at that point or stage in progress of affairs.


1. energy peculiar to life or a Being which acts upon material in the physical universe and animates it, mobilizes it and changes it; natural creative energy of a Being which he is free to direct toward survival goals, especially when it manifests itself as high toned, constructive communications.


1. a small or wide steady dance of the needle over a spread of one-eighth of an inch (depending on sensitivity setting--it can be half an inch); needle goes up and down perhaps five or ten times a second; it goes up, sticks, falls, sticks, goes up, sticks, falls, sticks, etc., always the same distance, like a slow tuning fork; it is a constant distance and a constant speed. (A theta bop means “death,” “leaving,” “don’t want to be here.” It is caused by a yoyo of the Preclear as a Being vibrating out and into the body or a position in the body. It’s as if the needle is jumping between two peaks across a narrow valley. A small or wide steady dance of the needle. Depending on the sensitivity setting it can be anything from one-eighth to half an inch wide. It is very rapid, perhaps five or ten times a second.)



1. the persons being talked about.


1. any object or substance.


1. plural of thing.

THINK (verb)

1. to use the mind to form ideas, reach conclusions, understand what is known, etc. 2. with awareness, to direct the mind to form or have an idea which can be viewed mentally.

THINKING (adjective)

1. that which thinks; reasoning: as, a successful civilization is made up of thinking Beings.


1. the power or process of thinking; mental activity. 2. thought itself or that which makes up the thinking process.



1. a person who, by false reports, creates trouble between two people, a person and a group, or a group and another group.



1. forget. 2. forgettingness.


1. the person, thing, or idea present or mentioned or understood or about to be told.


1. the present or current lifetime.


1. the things or ideas specified or mentioned.


1. what one thinks; idea; notion. 2. formed or had an idea in the mind. 3. the power or process of thinking; mental activity. 4. reasoning. 5. conception, imagination or fancy.



1. the three basic Search and Discovery listing questions.


1. one’s own universe, the universes of others and the physical universe.


1. a logic spectrum composed of right, wrong and maybe.


1. strong feeling of excitement.


1. from beginning to end of.


1. a small jerk of the needle of less than a quarter inch. Abbr. T or t


1. measure of duration, whether past, present or future; every moment there has ever been or ever will be. 2. the point or period when something occurs; occasion.


1. placed in time; scheduled; well coordinated in time.


1. that which is unrelated to time; that which cannot be placed in time. 2. existing outside the time continuum.


1. a preface that limits or narrows the focus of time: as, the preface recently in the question “Recently, is there anything you have been careful of” is a time limiter.


1. plural of time.


1. the consecutive record of mental image pictures which accumulates through a person’s life. 2. an exactly dated and very accurate record of a person’s entire past. 3. a system of filing recordings made of the environment and the person, filed according to time received.


1. the state of having one’s strength drained; in need of rest.


1. statements that express various states of exhaustion or weariness.

TO (preposition)

1. in the direction of; toward: as, stand up with your back to the wall. 2. as far as; until: as, he was wet to the skin. 3. for; for the purpose of; for use with: as, mother came to the rescue. 4. toward or into the position, condition or state of: as, he went to sleep. 5. so as to produce cause or result in: as,to my amazement, he jumped. 6. into: as, she tore the letter to pieces. 7. by: as, a fact known to few. 8. along with; with: as, he danced to the music. 9. compared with: as, the score was 9to5. 10. in agreement with: a decision not to my liking. 11. as seen or understood by: a symptom alarming to the doctor. 12. belong with; of: as, the key to my room. 13. in honor of: as, the soldiers drank to the king. 14. on; against: as, fasten it to the wall. 15. about; concerning: as, what did he say to that? 16. included, contained or involved in: as, a book without much to it. 17.To is used to show action toward: as, give the book to me. 18.To is used with the infinitive form of verbs: as, he likes to read.


1. related in detail; narrated; said; uttered; expressed in words.


1. Any level of survival or “quality of being” plotted on the Scale of Emotional Expression.



1. enthusiasm on the Scale of Emotional Expression.


1. intention without reservation or limit.



TOO (adverb)

1. in addition; as well; besides; also. 2. more than enough; superfluously; overly. 3. to a regrettable extent. 4. extremely; very.


1. longer than necessary.


1. one of the hard, bone-like parts in the mouth, attached in a row to each jaw, used for biting and chewing; composed of dentine surrounding a hollow filled with pulp, through which run blood vessels and nerves, and coated at the root with cementum and at the crown and exposed parts with enamel.


1. to bring a body part into contact with, so as to feel; perceive by the sense of feel. TOUCH ASSIST l. an assist which brings the patient’s attention to injured or affected body areas. 2. this is run on both sides of the body until the pain is gone, cognition, F/N, and is run around the injury and especially below the injury; i.e. further from the head than the injury. Use a simple command like “Feel my finger. Thank You.”


1. a Preclear who has a “no change” response to routine processes. (The tough case (who is also the difficult student) is the sole reason one has an urge to alter a process.)


1. the time track--the endless record, complete with fifty-two perceptions of the Pc’s entire past.


1. the commercial exchange or trading of goods. 2. the flow of persons, vehicles or messages along transportation, commerce or communication lines. 3. the customers, collectively, who patronize a store or business concern.


1. to cause a person to develop skill by coaching or supervising him. 2. to guide the mental, moral, etc. development of. 3. to instruct with drills and practice so as to make proficient or qualified.


1. a formal activity imparting the philosophy or technology of Alethanetics and Alethiology to an individual or group and culminating in the award of a Grade or Certificate. 2. the state of being trained in some skill.



1. drugs used to calm the nerves, reduce anxiety and tension.


1. the Preclear flipped into another valence. 2. the Preclear going into the valence of the Clearing Practitioner.


1. an action against a person or being or thing with which one has a moral code or an understanding or a co-action.


1. one is trapped by those things to which he will not grant havingness. A game condition demands that one denies havingness. Therefore games trap. Traps are part of games. 2. being inside something, interiorized. 3. theta and mest interconnected too strongly are the components of a trap. Theta is mixed up with mest, mest is mixed up with theta.


1. the past tense of trap.


1. the deliberate breaking of trust or faith. 2. to work behind the scenes to destroy an individual or a group while at the same time pretending to be loyal. [Old French tricherie to trick or to cheat]


1. a way or manner of dealing with a condition.


1. attempted to do, achieve, or perform; endeavored; made an effort to.


1. the three flows are: inward to oneself, outward to another or others, and crossways, others to others. (Examples: Flow 1, to self, drinking. Flow 2, self to another or others, Pc giving them drinks. Flow 3, others to others, people giving other people drinks.)


1. items run triple flow.


1. mental agitation, distress, annoyance, worry, vexation or disturbance; undue exertion or effort; confused motion.


1. the true or actual state of something. 2. the exact time, place, form and event. 3. knowledge which works in life and produces a desirable result. 4. honesty; integrity; truthfulness.


1. disposed to tell, or habitually telling, the truth; free from deceitfulness. 2. telling the truth; correct in statement.

TRY (verb)

1. to make an attempt or effort; endeavor; attempt. 2. to make an experiment.

TRY (noun)

1. an attempt; endeavor; effort. 2. a trial; test; experiment.


1. endeavoring; attempting to do, achieve, or perform; making an attempt at.


1. to cause to change position; rotate.


1. abbreviation for TWO-WAY COMM


1. two times; on two occasions. 2. two times in number, amount or value.


1. A student of equal ability who is one’s study partner on a course. Twins take turns coaching one another, checking one another out, and each is responsible for the other’s good and honest learning.


1. a checkout given by one’s twin. see TWIN


1. formed by or as by twisting strands together. 2. bent by twisting; forced awry; distorted. 3. distorted; warped. 4. vicious by nature or habit; wicked.


1. one more than one. 2. a set of two persons or things.


1. a type of logic formulated by Aristotle in which a thing is either right or wrong; also, the type of logic used by the reactive mind.


1. Communication between two people in which each one takes turns, while the other listens attentively, in expressing fully her/his ideas on a subject. This is, therefore, communication in two directions. (Two-way communication is the basis of any successful and enjoyable personal relationship.)


1. The action of asking the Preclear questions (not repetitive) that guides the preclear into talking about the difficulty that needs to be handled.


1. typewritten; written with a typewriter.


1. a PTS type three. 2. a severely upset and disturbed person whose condition is so serious that a simple Clearing session gives no relief (The type three PTS responds only to rest, quiet, good nutrition and mild medical treatment).