WAIT (verb intransitive)

1. to stay in a place or remain inactive or in anticipation until something expected takes place (often with for,until, etc.): as,wait until we call,wait for us. 2. to be ready or at hand: as, dinner is waiting for us. 3. to remain temporarily undone or neglected: as, that work will have to wait.

WAIT (verb transitive)

1. to be, remain, or delay in expectation or anticipation of; await: as,wait orders,wait your turn. 2. to serve food at: as, she waits tables.

WAIT (noun)

1. the act or fact of waiting: as, we had a long wait. 2. a time of waiting: as, a four-hour wait. 3. an ambush; trap: usually in lie in wait.


1. staying in a place or doing nothing while thinking something will happen or come.

WALK (verb intransitive)

1. to go along or move about on foot at a moderate pace; specifically to move by placing one foot firmly on the ground before lifting the other, as two-legged creatures do, or by placing two feet firmly on the ground before lifting either of the others, as four-legged creatures do: distinguished from run, gallop,trot, etc.

WALK (verb transitive)

1. to go through, over, or along at a moderate pace on foot: as, he is walking the deck.

WALK (noun)

1. the act of walking. 2. a period or course of walking for pleasure or exercise; stroll; hike.


1. one of the sides of a room. 2. something resembling a wall in a container, body cavity, etc. 3. something suggestive of a wall in that it holds back, divides, hides, etc.: as, a wall of secrecy.

WANT (verb transitive)

1. to lack; have too little of; be deficient in. 2. to feel the need of; crave; long for: as, he wants adventure. 3. to desire; wish: as, she wants to go with us. 4. to wish to see or speak with (someone): as, your friend wants you.

WANT (verb intransitive)

1. to have a need or lack: as, we shall not want for money. 2. to lack the necessities of life; be destitute or impoverished.

WANT (noun)

1. the state or fact of lacking, or having too little of, something needed or desired; scarcity; shortage; lack: as, there is a want of confidence in him. 2. a lack of necessities of life; poverty; destitution. 3. a wish or desire for something; craving. 4. something needed or desired but lacking; need.


1. the thing (somatic, intention, terminal, condition, doingness) the Preclear really wants handled. 2. anything the Preclear wants to get rid of.


1. past tense of be. 2. existed; had existence in fact, physical or mental. see BE

WASTE (verb transitive)

1. to destroy; devastate; ruin, as land. 2. to wear away; consume gradually; use up. 3. to make weak, feeble, or emaciated; wear away the strength, vigor, or life of: said especially of disease, decay, age, etc. 4. to use up or spend without need, profit, or proper return; squander. 5. to fail to take proper advantage of: as, she wasted a good opportunity.

WASTE (verb intransitive)

1. to be used up or worn down gradually; become smaller or fewer by gradual loss. 2. to be wasted, or not put to full or proper use.

WASTE (adjective)

1. left over, superfluous, refuse, or no longer of use: as, a waste product,wastepaper. 2. produced in excess of what is or can be used: as,waste energy.

WASTE (noun)

1. a wasting or being wasted; specifically, a) a useless or profitless spending or consuming; squandering, as of money, time, etc. b) a failure to take advantage (of something). c) a gradual loss, decrease, or destruction by use, wear, decay, deterioration, etc.


1. in the habit of wasting. 2. using more than is needed; squandering; extravagant.


1. to destroy or ruin a person or thing acting or used in place of another. 2. to fail to take proper advantage of a person or thing acting or used in place of another.


1. a means of passing from one place to another, as a road, street, path. 2. a route or course that is or may be used to go from one place to another. 3. a path in life; course of habits of life or conduct: as, the way to personal freedom. 4. a course of action; method or manner of doing something: as, do it your way.


1. you and I; I and another; I and others.


1. amount or degree of heaviness.


1. we shall. 2. we will.

WELL (adverb)

1. in a pleasing or desirable manner; satisfactorily: as, the affair ended well. 2. in a proper, friendly, or attentive manner: as, treat him well. 3. skillfully, expertly: as, she sings well. 4. in an appropriate manner; fittingly: as, spoken well. 5. prosperously; in comfort and plenty: as, they lived well in Del Mar. 6. with good reason; in justice: as, you may well ask. 7. satisfactorily in regard to health or physical condition: as, the person is doing well. 8. to a considerable extent or degree: as,well advanced. 9. thoroughly: as, stir well before cooking. 10. with certainty; definitely: as, I recall well that I was here. 11. intimately; familiarly; closely: as, I know it well.


1. a grade given by a Case Supervisor (C/S) for a session in which the Preclear had VGI’s at session end and at the examiner, immediately after the session.


1. are those hours given a well done by the Case Supervisor for sessions that conclude on F/N, VGIs and the Preclear having F/N and VGIs at the examiner immediately after the session. (These sessions are void of gross technical errors.)


1. past tense of go.


the plural and second person singular, past indicative, and the past subjunctive, of be. see BE


1. abbr. for withhold.

WHAT (pronoun)

1. which thing, event, circumstance, etc.: used interrogatively in asking for the specification of an identity, quantity, quality, etc.; specifically, a) in asking about the nature or class of a thing: as,what is that object? b) in asking for an explanation or repetition of something previously said: as,what did you say? c) in asking about the value, importance, or effect of something: as,what do you feel? 2. that which or those which: as, I know what you want.

WHAT (adjective)

1. which or which kind of: used interrogatively or relatively in asking for or specifying the nature, identity, etc. of a person or thing: as, I know what man told you about the surprise. What books will you need? 2. as much, or as many: as, take what time you need. 3. how great, surprising, magnificent, disappointing, etc.: in exclamations: as,what a man!

WHAT (adverb)

1. in what respect? to what degree? how?: as,what with singing and dancing, the time passed quickly.

WHAT (interjection)

1. an exclamation of surprise, anger, confusion, etc.: as,what! no dinner?


1. a coined word from the phrase What is it? 2. a question a Preclear asks of himself when he is dwelling on problems, confusions or uncertainties rather than resolving them. 3. a phenomenon noted by a rise of the Range Arm on the Clearing Biofeedback Meter, indicating the Preclear is groping for an answer.


1. a question from the Clearing Practitioner to the Preclear which causes the Range Arm to rise. (It is responded to with a itsa line from the Preclear which causes the Range Arm to blow down.)

WHEN (noun)

1. the time or moment (of an event): as, I know when that incident occurred.

WHERE (noun)

1. the place (of an event): as, I know where the incident occurred.

WHERE (adverb)

1. in or at what place?: as,where is my hat? 2. to or toward what place or point?: as,where did he go? 3. in what situation or position?: as,where will we be if we lose? 4. in what respect?: as,where do I come into the matter? 5. from what place or source?: as,where did you get your information?

WHERE (conjunction)

1. in or at what place: as, I know where they are. 2. in or at which place: as, we came home,where we had dinner.

WHERE (pronoun)

1. the place or situation in, at, or to which: as, I live just two miles from where I was born. 2. what or which place: as,where do you come from.

WHICH (pronoun)

1. what one (or ones) of the number of persons, things, or events mentioned or implied?: as,which of the men answered? Which do you want? 2. the one (or ones) that: as, I know which you want. 3. who, whom, or that: used as a relative in a restrictive or nonrestrictive clause referring to the thing or event specified in the antecedent word, phrase, or clause: as myhat,which is on the table; the war which had just ended. 4. either, or any, of the persons, things, or events previously mentioned or implied; whichever: as, you may take which you prefer.

WHICH (adjective)

1. what one or ones (of the number mentioned or implied): as,which man answered? Which books shall I choose? 2. whatever; no matter what: as, try which method you please, you can succeed. 3. being the one just mentioned: as, he is very old,which fact is important.

WHILE (conjunction)

1. during or throughout the time that: as, we waited while he dined. 2. at the same time that; although on the one hand: as,while he was not poor, he had no ready cash.

WHO (pronoun)

1. what person or persons: used to introduce a question, as,who came? 2. which person or persons: as, I don’t know who came. 3. (the, or a person or person) that: used to introduce a relative clause: as, the man who came to dinner.

WHOLE (adjective)

1. in sound health, not diseased or injured. 2. not broken, damaged, injured, defective, etc.; intact. 3. containing all of its elements or parts; entire, complete: as, a whole set of encyclopedias. 4. not divided up; in a single unit. 5. constituting the entire amount, extent, number, etc.: as, he slept through the whole night. 6. having both parents in common: as, a whole brother: distinguished from half. 7. in arithmetic, not a fraction: as, 28 is a whole number.

WHOLE (noun)

1. the entire amount, quantity, extent, or sum of something; totality: as, the whole is equal to the sum of its parts. 2. a complete organization of parts; unity, entirety, or system.


1. the moment to moment record of a person’s existence in this universe, in picture and impression form, with emotions, sensations, etc.

WHY (adverb)

1. for what reason, cause, or purpose; with what motive: used interrogatively and relatively, as,why did he go? 2. because of which; on account of which: used relatively, often after reason, as, I can think of a reason why you could go. 3. the reason for which: as, this is why we came.

WHY (noun)

1. that basic outness which, when found, leads to a recovery of production and increasing statistics. 2. the real reason that production fails in an area.


1. having or resulting from bad moral character; evil; perverted. 2. generally bad, painful, etc., but without any moral considerations involved: as, it was a wicked blow on the head. 3. naughty in a playful way; prankish; teasing; full of tricks; mischievous.


1. the quality or condition of being wicked. 2. wicked action or a wicked act.

WIDE (adjective)

1. extending over a large area; especially, extending over a larger area from side to side than is usual or normal: as, a wide bed: distinguished from long and opposed to narrow. 2. of great extent, range, or inclusiveness: as, a wide variety,wide open case.


1. opened wide. 2. not enforcing, or careless in enforcing, laws prohibiting or regulating prostitution, gambling, the sale of liquor, etc.: as, a wide-open city.


1. a person’s case which includes pictures and perceptions but no somatics. 2. an individual who is 2.5 or below and apparently easy to Clear but whose actual case is inaccessible and who finds it difficult to experience somatics from incidents in the past. 3. an individual who can run through engrams with sonic and visio but no somatics due to his heavily charge track.

WILL (noun)

1. the act or process of volition; specifically, a) wish; desire; longing. b) inclination; disposition; pleasure. 2. something wished by a person, especially by one with power or authority; specifically, a) a request: as,it is his will that you appear. b) a command; decree: as, His will be done. 3. strong purpose, intention, or determination: as, where there’s a will there a way. 4. energy or enthusiasm: as, he works with a will. 5. the power of self-direction or self-control: as, he has no strong will. 6. the power of conscious and deliberate action or choice: as, freedom of the will. 7. disposition or attitude toward others: as, I bear her no ill will.

WILL (verb transitive)

1. to long for; desire. 2. to decide upon; make a choice of; hence, 3. to resolve firmly; determine: as, he willed to survive. 4. to decree; as, he willed her to life. 5. to influence or control as by hypnotic power: as, they willed his demise. 6. to bequeath by a will.


1. favorably disposed or consenting; not objecting. 2. acting, giving, etc. readily and cheerfully: as, a willing assistant. 3. done, given, offered, etc. readily or gladly; voluntary. 4. the power of choice; volition.


1. the relative ability to impose time and space on energy and matter. 2. the ability to control people and be controlled by people with self determinism.


1. a success; an achievement. 2. deciding to do something and doing it or deciding not to do something and not doing it.


1. a synthetic identity generated from the individual’s idea of the personality of the person who won. (In the case of the wife beaten by her husband, the engram contains two valences. The husband won and his identity will be dramatized by the wife because she didn’t win, she got hurt. When this beating incident gets reactivated she will be the winner, the husband; she will talk like him and say what he said.)


1. The good indications (insights, revelations, thoughts, good luck, a flowing life, etc.) from Clearing that the Preclear is becoming more able, is earning more, has more wherewithal and accomplishes more in a given period of time.


1. removed; erased. 2. killed off.

WITH (preposition)

1. in opposition to; against: as, he argued with his wife. 2. a) alongside of; close to; near to. b) in the company of. c) into; among: as, mix blue with yellow. 3. as an associate, or companion, of, in conversation, games, war, etc.: as, he talked, played, saw service with me. 4. as a member of: as, he plays with a string quartet. 5. concerning; specifically, a) in terms of relationship to: as, friendly with strangers. b) in regard to: as, pleased with her gift. 6. in the same terms as; compared to; contrasted to: as, having equal standing with the others. 7. as well, completely, etc. as: as, he can jump with the best. 8. of the same opinions, belief, etc. as: as, I’m with you there. 9. a) in the region, sphere, circumstances, etc. of. b) in the opinion or estimation of: as, whatever you decide is all right with me. 10. as the result of; because of: as,faint with hunger. 11. a) by means of: as, stir with a spoon. b) accompanied by, attended by, etc.: as, she entered with confidence; b) having received: as,with your permission, I’ll go. 13. having as a possession, attribute, accoutrement, etc.: as, the man with brown hair. 14. exhibiting: as, he plays with skill. 15. in the keeping, care, etc. of: as, leave the children with grandmother. 16. added to; and: as, the woman,with her two daughters, arrived. 17. in spite of; notwithstanding: as,with all his boasting, he is a coward. 18. a) at the same time as: as, to rise with the chickens. b) in the same direction as: as, travel with the sun. c) in the same degree as; in proportion to: as, grow wise with age. 19. to; onto: as, join this end with that one. 20. from: as, to part with one’s gains.

WITH- a combining form meaning:

1. away,back, as in with draw. 2. against,from, as in withhold.

WITHDRAW (transitive verb)

1. to take back; draw back; remove. 2. retract or recall ( a statement, etc.).

WITHDRAW (intransitive verb)

1. to move back; go away; retire; retreat. 2. in parliamentary procedure, to retract a motion, statement, etc.


1. the reactions resulting from coming off hard drugs and alcohol, including convulsions, delirium tremens, sweating, extreme nervousness and nausea.


1. moved back or away; drawn back from; retreated; removed oneself from participation; removed from immediate contact or easy approach; isolated. 2. introverting nto the mind and thought.


1. kept back; didn’t reveal; didn’t say.


1. an undisclosed harmful act; for example, if a person steals from his employer, he will withhold that transgression; a withhold comes after a perpetration. 2. an unspoken, unannounced transgression against a moral code by which the person was bound. 3. the unwillingness of the Preclear to talk to the Clearing Practitioner. 4. something the Preclear has done that she believes, if revealed, will endanger her survival. 4. something the Preclear has done that she isn’t talking about. see PERPETRATION

WITHHOLD (verb transitive)

1. to hold back; keep back; restrain. 2. to refrain from granting, permitting; refuse.


1. the act of holding back; not allowing knowledge of; keeping information from.


1. undisclosed, harmful acts which result in a nattery, critical or hostile sort of life. 2. a case located between 2.2 and 1.0 on the Scale of Emotional Expression.


1. a procedure for identifying and clearing up withholds including the five steps: (0) the difficulty being handled, (1) what the withhold is, (2) when the withhold occurred, (3) all of the withhold, (4) who should have known about the withhold.


1. a brief expression; remark: as, a word of advice. 2. a promise; affirmation; assurance: as, he gave his word. 3. news; information; tidings: as, no word from home. 4. a) a password; signal: as, they gave the word. b) a command; order. 5.usually plural. a) talk; speech. b) written text. 6.plural. a quarrel; dispute. 7. a speech sound or series of them, having meaning and used as a unit of language. 8. a letter or group of letters, written or printed, representing such a unit of language. 9. a whole package of thought. 10. symbols which represent actions.



1. a person who is qualified in and applies the technology of word clearing.


1. a technology for locating and handling misunderstood words.


1. an action taken to clear up all misunderstoods in every subject one has studied with the result that the individual recovers her education. 2. an assessment of many subjects, done on a Clearing Biofeedback Meter, to identify reading subjects and then to clear the misunderstood words in the subject.


1. a procedure, done in a classroom on a Clearing Biofeedback Meter, of locating and clearing misunderstood words. 2. the student reads aloud from written materials and each reading word is cleared using a dictionary to define the word. The student uses the word in several of his own made up sentences. (This continues until the word F/N’s; then he rereads the material.)


1. a verbal procedure used in the classroom with a student who says she does not understand what she is reading. (The Supervisor has her look earlier in the text for a misunderstood word, has her look it up, has her use it verbally several times in sentences of her own composition and has her read the text that contained the word. Then she reads forward in the text to the area of the subject she did not understand.)


1. using a Clearing Biofeedback meter to rapidly locate any misunderstoods in a subject or section of materials, clearing the word to an F/N and then looking for another misunderstood word in the area until there are no more and the needle is floating.


1. the procedure used in a Clearing session to clear words in Clearing commands. (The Word Clearer gives a word to the Preclear and asks him to define it. Those he cannot define must be cleared using a dictionary.)


1. involves clearing the words and terminology of one’s work area, a new subject or duties. (A list of key words is made and the Word Clearer asks the person to define each word. These definitions are checked for general correctness. Any hesitancy or misdefinition results in having the person look up the word.)


1. reading aloud. (A procedure used with children and foreign language students, noting each omission or word change or hesitation or frown as she reads. These are taken up at once, the word is cleared by having her look it up or by explaining it to her.)


1. superliteracy procedure. (A person looks up every word or term on an alphabetical list from the text of a paper, a chapter or a recorded tape and defines each word and uses it in sentences until he has the meaning conceptually.)


1. a supervised, unmetered word clearing procedure. (The student reads the text out loud as the Word Clearer reads silently on his own copy of the text. When the student leaves out a word, stumbles, exhibits any physical or verbal manifestation of confusion while reading the text, the Word Clearer immediately asks for the misunderstood word or term and gets the meanings cleared with a dictionary and put into sentences until the word is understood and VGIs are present.)


1. choice and arrangement of words; phrasing.


1. an alphabetical list of all the words taken from a body of data.

WORK (noun)

1. purposeful activity; bodily or mental effort exerted to do or make something. 2. employment: as, she has word. 3. occupation; business; trade; craft; profession: as, his work is dentistry. 4. something that has been made or done; result of effort or activity; specifically, a)usually plural. an act; deed: as, a person of good works. b)plural. collected writings: as, the works of Whitman. c)plural. engineering structures, as bridges, dams, docks, etc. d) a fortification. e) needlework; embroidery. f) a work of art. 6. material that is being or is to be processed, as in a machine tool, in some stage of manufacture. 7.plural. a place where work is done, as a factory, public utility plant, etc.

WORK (verb transitive)

1. to exert oneself in order to do or make something. 2. to be employed. 3. to produce results or exert an influence: as, let it work in their minds.


1. the condition or quality of being usable or useful, as a plan or a method; feasibility.


1. a complete running record of a Clearing session from the beginning to the end.

WORRY (verb transitive)

1. to annoy; pester; bother; tease. 2. to cause to feel troubled or uneasy; make anxious; distress.

WORRY (noun)

1. an act of worrying. 2. a troubled state of mind; anxiety; distress; care; uneasiness. 3. something that causes anxiety or mental distress.


1. bad, evil, harmful, unpleasant, etc. in a greater degree; less good. 2. in a less favorable condition; in a more unsatisfactory situation.


1. to make or become worse.


1. points of the Preclear’s Personality Profile that drop after he receives Clearing. 2. a result stemming from a Preclear being ARC broken during his Clearing sessions.

WORSHIP (noun)

1. extreme devotion; intense love or admiration of any kind.

WORSHIP (verb)

1. to show religious devotion or reverence for; adore or venerate as a deity. 2. to have intense love or admiration for; idolize.


1. past tense of will. 2. to express condition, as, he would write if you would answer. 2. in indirect discourse to express futurity, as, he said he would bring it. 3. to express a wish, as,would that he were still living. 4. to soften somewhat the force of a statement or request, as,would you do this for me?


1. would not.


1. not in accordance with what is just, good or proper; incorrect; not agreeable to a standard; not suitable or appropriate. 2. an action having minimal survival value for the least number or the most number of dynamics.


1. a judgement, decision or a postulate which is now in error. 2. a miscalculation of effort. 3. any behavior or attitude which is aberrative to the Preclear and which she can’t do anything about.


1. an incorrectly identified outness for decreased performance in any area; a reason that does not lead to the recovery of production in an area that was producing.


1. abbr. for worksheet (refer to WORKSHEET)


1. Withdrawal, Stop, Unmock.


1. who or what would. 2. a question the Clearing Practitioner uses to direct the Preclear’s attention to an identity or a thing, other than the Preclear, that is capable of some action in the Preclear’s environment.