By Max Sandor and Ouran

The gunas is an ancient technique for merging polarities which has come down to modern times through yoga. At first glance the gunas (sattvas, rajas, tamas) looks like a triangle based process, as a version of be-do-have. A closer inspection however shows that it is instead a polarity process, and that the third leg of it is unity. As unity often appears to be beingness inside a universe, then it is no surprise that the Hindu sages named that unity "sattva", whose root word "sat" means beingness or "I am". If this is misunderstood to mean "be" of the be-do-have triangle, then the other two gunas would be taken to mean "do" and "have". This is an error to assign the gunas to the triangle be-do-have, one which may lead to making the process more difficult to run. Though I object to running the gunas as a triangle I have to admit that some people get results that way. When run in that manner then rajas is "do" and tamas is "have". The gunas properly belong to the polarity which lies behind/above/senior to be-do-have, which polarity is "existence/non-existence", also seen as "positive/negative". Rajas is not "do", it is "exist" or "positive". Tamas is not "have", it is "not-exist" or "negative". Sattvas will appear to be a purpose lying between the poles of existence and non-existence, but it resolves in session to a "unity" beyond the universe.

This means that the gunas are a way to merge the same polarities which crop up during PEAT processing. The technique is different. Where PEAT dissolves resistance to the things being held in place oppositionally by means of a positive affirmation, then locates the mental/emotional/energetic attachments to it -- the gunas charge up both poles, which deliberate creation (as-isness) of the polarity dissolves it into One.

THE GUNAS PROCESS (Max Sandor version 2001)

Step 1 - determine and locate the polarity to be addressed

This can be rather similar to a PEAT interview, except that this MUST result in
finding the two sides of the polarity. It appears that the better the polarity is defined before beginning, the better the chances of success.

Ask something like:
A) "Tell me the problem." then:
B) "What are the poles of the problem?"
Two way communicate on this to determine the EXACT polarity involved.
C) "Which pole is yin and which is yang?" Depending on the processee's background, use negative/positive, or tamas/rajas, or feminine/masculine, or yin/yang.
(This seems to be determining the positive/negative attached to the polarity, which may also be determining the goal and the oppgoal.)
D) "Locate (or find) (each of them) in space." (I know this one is crucial. Get the exact locations of both in space.) Alternate command: "Where would you see (pole)?" Additional/helpful patter: "Can you feel it now? Follow your feeling. Where would you feel it now?"

Step 2 - the Gunas Process

Take up the positive (yang) pole first.
Command: "Make it stronger and more of its kind (yin or yang)." Do this in the space where it is.

Take up the negative (yin) pole next.
Command: "Make it stronger and more of its kind (yin or yang)." Do this in the space where it is.

If "stronger" has no effect, then switch to "weaker" or "less of its nature". (This is using the manifest/unmanifest polarity; manifest for "stronger" and unmanifest (also called discreate) for "weaker".)

After the first round check where they are in space.

Repeat until it unsticks or merges. It should unstick rapidly.

Notes from Max:
It is vital to recognize the *guna quality* of the pole. This is not an modern style process. It is 'sensing' the quality and 'cleaning it', making it pure 'rajas' or pure 'tamas'.

To get a feel, one could ask after roughly determining the side of the pole (it can switch sides after the first round of inspection):

how does it feel like being a tamas quality?
how does it feel like being a feminine quality?
how does it feel like being a yin quality?

same for rajas/masculine/yang...

The gunas, the way I perceive them, have 3-D appearances.

If there is a picture (2D), one has to look at the energy(ies) beneath it.

the 3rd point is whatever is created by the two poles, the actual 'purpose', that what is desired to be experienced.

An example would be a 'stereo' music perception. Either left and right would never get the full experience. The thing in the middle is 'it'.

This 'sattva' is a viewpoint that could also be called an entity representing YOU. A temporary mask created specificially for the purpose of the experience what's in between the poles.

All gunas are overlaying and connected. It's a dense network. Taking out one messed up polarity doesn't mean one has solved 'everything'.

The linear view of the 'basic' is Western cause-effect thinking. One *sole* cause is assigned an effect. This is one of the biggest crazinesses of western thinking, right next to the b/w thinking (or may be even: the b/w thinking is a result of sole-cause thinking).

There is a Pnohteftu article on Cause-Effect thinking..

With 'Web-thinking' rather than linear thinking, everything gets more 'correct' in one's space.

It is vital to get an intuitive understanding of the 'gunas' rather than an abstract one.

Guna processing  fails utterly when someone is convinced that a bright white light is female (tamas/yin) - which happened the other day. Quote: "But the bride in wedding gown is all in white on her wedding day, isn't she?"

One develops a *third* observation point which will develop into the 'equinamity' frequency of Buddhism. This is the *true* sattva position. Most newagers got this completely wrong and confuse unclean rajas parts with the sattva.

It is a truly unbiased position from which one can now stretch into infinite space/consciousness, etc. This is the TRUE BASIC of enlightenment.

My new definition of enlightenment would now be: being able to occupy the state of 'equanimity' (sattva) at will and at any time in regards to any upcoming polarity.

Once you can do that (even with a bit of effort in the beginning) life will never be the same :-)


Additional notes and theory:
Many people seem to be unable to run the gunas. Max says that most people cannot run the gunas because they cannot locate the poles and accurately define them. Ouran suspects the reason some people cannot run the gunas is because those people are not in contact with themselves outside of space/time. A person stuck in space/time (convinced that they are a location in space/time, either as a spirit/thetan or as a body) will not be able to assume the true sattvas viewpoint. That person will then attempt to process the gunas with their viewpoint in "be", which can be perceived as the rajas or positive pole of the gunas. This inability to step back from the universe may also be the cause of being unable to properly define and locate the poles -- difficult to do if a person is BEING one of the poles, yes?

Remember: this is NOT actually a triangle process -- it is a POLARITY process which is run SENIOR to polarities.  I experienced it as dissolving into what Max likes to call "the pre-cycle (of-action) gap".


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