This chapter might be too advanced for some beginners. It needs to be presented as early as possible because some students will bump into this area after a small amount of processing. Also, an increase in spiritual awareness at this level can rekindle hope and wash away despair. But if it is too difficult, feel free to skip it for the time being and go on to the next chapter. In that case, you should come back to this one and do it after you have done a few more chapters and feel ready.

At the ultimate level, you are pure thought, a nothingness with the capabilities of creation and consideration.

Our existence stretches back before this universe, and therefore at basic we cannot be composed of or dependent upon matter or energy.

Although many metaphysical schools concern themselves with astral or energy bodies, the more advanced schools recognize that these also are not the pure spirit but simply less physical constructions that are used by the spirit much as it uses the physical body.

Again contemplating the ultimate state, one would not have a physical location because one existed before there were any universes to be located in. The idea of being located in some specific area is more of an agreement and a convention rather than an enforced fact. The spirit can be anywhere it chooses to be and can be all pervasive if it so desires. But we normally play the game of life by operating from specific viewpoints.

One can be in the body or out of it. One can be outside as a pure viewpoint while leaving most of one's "stuff" in the body or one can pull most of the "stuff" out as well. Astral walking type practices try to get a person out with a lot of their stuff. Early Scientology, on the other hand, was more interested in exteriorizing the pure spirit so that it could think and operate without the impact of all the body's energy fields. Anything like an astral body was seen as just one more thing to get out of.

In those early days, Hubbard decided that the word "soul" had too many connotations. It is sometimes considered to be an energy form. It is sometimes thought of as something other than the person himself. Similar problems occur in using the word "spirit", with much arguments occurring between different spiritual practices. Therefore he coined a new term to describe a pure thought unit. He chose to call this a "thetan" based on the Greek letter theta which is sometimes used to represent thought.

Early Scientology worked to exteriorize the "thetan", meaning the person himself as a pure thought unit rather than exteriorizing the person in an energy body of some sort.

The pure spirit or thetan is you yourself and is capable of all actions and operations including creation and perception. However, we have long since decayed to the point where we are dependent on the physical body for our sensory input and our operations in the physical universe.

Without a physical body, we fall back to using an energy body of some sort, and depend on that for our perceptions and operations. That is the usual condition of somebody between lives or astral walking or engaged in some other out of body experience. But these non physical bodies are generally weaker and further decayed than the meat body and the sensory and operating capabilities are usually unsatisfactory.

Therefore, Scientology undertook as its goal the rehabilitation of the thetan or pure spirit itself to the point where it could perceive and operate without the need for any bodily construct of any sort whatsoever. This hypothetical end goal is referred to as an "operating thetan" or OT.

Later Scientology became sidetracked. There were many other things that needed to be figured out and addressed besides this point of exteriorization or the development of OT abilities. To a large degree, they never got back to the earlier material in this area. But we will take a more balanced approach, working things both from the spiritual and the human sides.


11.1 Interiorization and Exteriorization

The biggest bug that plagued the early Scientology work on exteriorization was not figured out until much later. It is that the person, while exterior, can sometimes snap back into the body with some force because he has been startled, scared, or otherwise surprised. This gives the person mental charge on the subject of "Interiorization" and may subsequently make it harder for the person to exteriorize again.

Of course a pure spirit consists of nothing and therefore would have no impact, but in practice the being normally will be carrying around at least some "mental" matter and energy which can impinge on the body's own energy fields. The impact of interiorizing can in some cases be great enough to give the body a headache.

Since running processes will gradually release the barriers that hold a person trapped, the person will have a tendency to expand outward from the body as they advance through these materials. It therefore becomes important to proof one up against this interiorization problem so as to avoid ill effects if one does exteriorize and then snap back in again.

This can easily be drilled by causatively interiorizing and exteriorizing from large masses such as nearby mountains until one can confront and control interiorizing.

In drilling this, we do not want to pull your normal viewpoint, machinery, energy bodies or whatever out from their usual positions.

Instead, we will take advantage of the fact that a pure being is never really located in the first place except by his own consideration and we will take advantage of the fact that you can operate more that one viewpoint at a time.

This means that you can leave everything in place including your normal operating viewpoint and create a second viewpoint and use that for our drills.

How do you create a viewpoint? It is very simple. You simply pick a spot and begin operating from it. You don't move from the previous viewpoint or pull anything out of it, you simply add a second viewpoint.

We have already done this to some slight degree with the more advanced drills that were given in the first few chapters. We mentioned remote viewing, but that is to some degree a misnomer. Really its never remote from you, only remote from the body. You are always to some slight degree located where ever you are viewing from. And you can view from multiple places simultaneously.

And now for the drill itself.

Pick a hill or a mountain or some other very large thing which you have at least some familiarity with and don't dislike.

Don't use anything too close to the body (don't use the building you are in or the mountain that you are sitting on) because you don't want to pull things from the body or be pulled into the body at this stage. You want to establish a separate viewpoint and that is easiest to do when there is adequate space separating the viewpoints.

It also helps to connect with a significant amount of mass, which is why we are picking a large object.

Now close your eyes and imagine that you are looking down at the mountain or whatever. Imagine interiorizing into it and then exteriorizing from it. Actually do this in your imagination, going in and moving out, over and over again.

When you first start, this will be pure imagination. But as you keep looking and moving and connecting with mass, you will gradually establish yourself in the new viewpoint.

At some point, you will get some real perception. It may be vague but it will feel real. This establishes the new viewpoint and it will remain as long as you continue to use it and move it around. You can bring these into existence and discard them at will. There is no limitation or price in terms of energy or any other reason to conserve or worry about these.

The first time this happens, the win may be significant enough that it would be an invalidation to continue the process, in which case you can end off and take a break or maybe move the viewpoint over to another mountain and continue running the process there.

Eventually you need to continue running this drill past the point where the viewpoint is established so as to practice interiorizing and exteriorizing an established viewpoint. Do this until you feel comfortable about going into and out of things.

Note that your usual viewpoint will still be established with respect to the body. You have more than adequate physical mass and all sorts of mental constructions there and it doesn't dissolve just because most of your attention is somewhere else. But you will probably have the "volume turned way down" because most of your interest and attention will be with the new viewpoint that you are drilling with.


11.2 Some More Drills

Now establish a viewpoint by interiorizing and exteriorizing from a mountain or whatever as given above. Once you feel some reality and orientation in this secondary viewpoint, go on to the next step.

Look down at the mountain. Imagine that you have a sort of ridge or sheet of invisible mental energy in front of you, A sort of standing wave or energy screen.

Decide that you are firmly anchored in your position above the mountain. If necessary, you can visualize some kind of brace or support which holds you there.

Now take the energy ridge and push it into the mountain and pull it back out while maintaining your position. Repeat this over and over, in and out until you can get some sort of tactile sensation from the mountain as you push the ridge into it.

Next push the ridge into the mountain and leave it there to help anchor the viewpoint.

While keeping this secondary viewpoint anchored and in place, shift back to the primary viewpoint that you use to operate the body. Open your eyes and look around without letting go of the secondary viewpoint.

Now shift back to the secondary viewpoint and look at the mountain. Then back to the body and look from its eyes. Shift back and forth a number of times until you feel comfortable about shifting.

Now look from both viewpoint simultaneously. You will find that the body has a much higher level of volume, but if you put enough attention on the secondary viewpoint, you can keep it from being totally swamped out (although it will probably seem much diminished compared to when you had your eyes closed). Hold this for a while, experiencing the duality. Do this until you are comfortable and then for a bit longer. If you have real trouble, repeat the previous step of shifting back and forth.


11.3 Looking Around

Again establish a secondary viewpoint by ext/int as given in the first section above.

This time, as soon as the viewpoint is establish, begin moving around and spotting things that are nice to look at. Move over a city or countryside which you are a bit familiar with and continue to spot things that are nice to look at until you feel very good.

Note that in this case you should move through space rather than teleporting around because it helps a bit to maintain a consistent viewpoint when doing a drill like this.

Of course you may be imagining a lot of what you see, but there will be some real component mixed in with the imagination. So don't invalidate yourself if you find that some things are a bit different. Until you are fairly far advanced, you will mostly be getting sketchy little bits of perception and imaginatively filling in the blanks so to speak.


11.4 Imagination

This one might be too difficult on a first pass, in which case it can be left for the second time through the book.

The eastern mystics have said that "all is illusion" and they are correct. But there are your personal and private illusions and then there is the big shared common illusion that we call reality.

Reality is real because it is held in common between us rather than being our own personal turf.

Now let's do this drill with a privately created illusion rather than a real mountain.

Although you could just imagine a mountain, this will go much better if you consciously create a space first and then mockup a mountain within it.

Begin by closing your eyes and visualizing a point that is not located anywhere in physical universe space. Just consider that the point is somewhere else, in your own personal place so to speak.

Now stretch the point out into a line. Make the line fairly long because we want to have enough space for a mountain. Next, extend the line into a square. You could visualize lowering a sort of curtain from the line until you have a sheet. Then extend the sheet in the same way to form a huge cube.

Consider that this cube is simply pure space. Now visualize a mountain within it. Begin changing the mountain around and adjusting it, shifting around the colors and terrain until you feel that you are in control of it and you like the way that is it.

Now do the ext/int drill with this mountain that you mocked up. Continue until you feel good and feel that you have a viewpoint well established in this space that you created for yourself.

When you are happy with this, anchor the viewpoint by whatever means you feel is necessary and keep the mountain mocked up and then establish another viewpoint above the real world mountain (as in the first step above).

Now you should have two secondary viewpoints. One above the mocked up mountain and another above the real one. Shift back and forth between them, noticing something nice about the particular mountain that you are looking at each time.

This may give you some very strange and disorienting sensations for a little while. Continue until you can shift back and forth comfortably. Then shift back and forth some more, noticing differences between the real and the mocked up mountain.

This one can be carried forward to a significant change in perception and awareness.


11.5 Healing

This may be of some help in getting the body feeling better. This doesn't generally cure things but can ease pain considerably and encourage the body to heal itself.

You begin with the ext/int drill on a real mountain or other large object that is within reasonable traveling distance to your physical body. Once you have the secondary viewpoint established, drift over to where the body is, moving through the physical universe space.

You need to be good at the above drills before you can get near to the body without automatically shifting into the primary viewpoint that you operate the body with. And you will find that you need to maintain a certain distance to keep this from happening. If you do slide into the body, keep backing the secondary viewpoint further away until you reach a point where you can hold it stable while looking at the body.

You might need to stay above the house and visualize the roof as being transparent so that you can maintain enough distance from the body while looking at it. Do whatever seems necessary and get as close as possible while maintaining a stable position outside of

You can perceive things as solid or as transparent or somewhere in between. In this case you want the body semi-transparent so that you can see into it slightly. This will all probably be very very vague and slightly unreal but don't worry about that, just get whatever perception you can, this drill will work despite extremely poor perception and has a very nice effect.

Now look over the body for any black or gray or smudged areas. These might be like little dark clouds permeating parts of the body or even extending out and around it. Even if you are mostly "imagining" this without real vision, you can generally sort of see lighter and darker patches with your eyes closed.

For each of these smudges or black areas that you spot, gradually turn it white or light colored by gently flowing energy into it (you do this by getting the idea that you are doing it and sort of exhaling or flowing towards the spot or cloud).

Continue this until the body feels good physically. If you do this right you may be surprised by how much better the body feels.


11.6 Summary

We will be doing a lot more in this area later. Early on, you don't want to move anything out of the body unless it happens naturally without being forced. But that does happen sometimes when you blow away a really heavy area of mental charge and doing this chapter ensures that it will be a pleasant experience instead of making you afraid or disoriented or giving you a headache.