It would be too much to take all the buried reaches of the mind and open them up all at once. It would just be too overwhelming. And for this reason, the person keeps himself blocked because he knows that he would be smashed if he opened up the flood gates.

But people foolishly keep adding more and more layers of non-confronted things without ever retrieving anything from these hidden areas.

The simple solution is to release one thing at a time and gradually open up what has been hidden, exposing things at a rate that the person can tolerate.

Nobody could stand having all of their memories of all lifetimes returned to them in one big blast. But you can do this gradually, opening up the recall bit by bit and restoring the person's identity as an immortal spirit.

There is that portion of the mind which is clear and open. This is where you are still aware and capable of operating consciously. And there is the black area that is buried so deep that you can't get at it. And there is a gray band in between.

This gray band is the band of accessibility. This contains the things that are within your reach and which you can find and handle in processing.

As you remove things from this gray band and clear them up, more of the previously dark area comes up into the gray area. It is like stripping layers of sand, where you can't dig too deep or the surrounding sand will fill in the hole, but where it is possibly to gradually take off an entire layer and expose the layer underneath.

The gray band may be narrow or wide. Being well fed and rested broadens the band because you are in better shape both physically and mentally. Being confident broadens it and being fearful of looking at things will narrow it down.

The wider the band, the more you can accomplish at a given time.

Having a skilled and competent professional working with you widens the band because you feel safer and trust him to handle it if you get into trouble.

Working alone makes the band narrower, which slows your progress. Therefore it is important to do some processing aimed at widening this band a bit.

We have already done some processes aimed at raising your confront, and you have learned some techniques which will help get you out of trouble. Both of these are factors which increase the band of accessibility. Now we will address a third factor, which is your willingness to find out things.

- From the broader perspective, there is no way that an immortal spirit could be permanently hurt, and therefore there is no knowledge which could truly harm you. But from the narrow human perspective, one can be afraid of finding out things. So let's practice facing imaginary things so that it will be easier to confront the real ones when they come up.

You want to reach the point where you really don't care how frightening or horrible an idea is. Instead, you just want the truth. As Jesus said "The Truth Shall Set You Free".


7.1 Willing to Find Out

Run these commands alternately. You can make up things. You can spot things that might potentially be true. You can spot things that you are sure are not true and recognize that if they did turn out to be true, you would be willing to find them out.

Get to the point where you would be willing to find out anything, no matter how horrible or bizarre.

7.1a) What would you be willing to find out about yourself.

7.1b) What would you be willing to find out about somebody else.

7.1c) What would you be willing for somebody else to find out.


7.2 Finding Out About

This is another "willing to find out" process. Run it like the first one.

7.2a) What would you be willing to find out about your body?

7.2b) What would you be willing to find out about your friends or loved ones?

7.2c) What would you be willing to find out about groups that you are or were a part of?

7.2d) What would you be willing to find out about society?


7.3 An Advanced Version

7.3a) What would you be willing to find out about reality?

7.3b) What would you be willing to have another find out about reality?

7.3c) What would you be willing to have others find out about reality?


7.4 Being

Now let's expand this a bit further with some more areas where it is important to think freely. At the top of the scale, one will find that he can be or not be anything by choice.


7.4a) What are you willing to be?

7.4b) What are you willing to have another be?

7.4c) What are you willing to have others be?


7.5 Doing

7.5a) What are you willing to do?

7.5b) What are you willing to have another do?

7.5c) What are you willing to have others do?


7.6 Having

7.6a) What are you willing to have?

7.6b) What are you willing to let another have?

7.6c) What are you willing to let others have?


7.7 Agree and Disagree

 It is important to be able to agree or disagree at will and not to be stuck compulsively on either side. So run the following commands alternately.

Note that it is OK to be both willing to agree with or disagree with the same thing. You can be willing to go either way, and that is the skill we are aiming for.


7.7a) What are you willing to agree with?

7.7b) What are you willing to disagree with?

7.7a) What are you willing to let another person agree with?

7.7b) What are you willing to let another person disagree with?


7.8 Change

Tolerance for change and no-change is also important.

7.8a) What would you be willing to have change?

7.8b) What would you be willing to have remain the same?


7.9 In a Crowded Place

Here is another processes to do in a mall or a train station or where ever you can find a crowd of people.

Spot people and for each one, think of something that you'd be willing for them to find out.


7.10 Afraid to Find Out

It has been said that the greatest fear is fear itself.

Fear of something unknown is far more horrible than fear of something which one understands.

Being afraid that there is a dreadful truth just around the corner makes one afraid to look, and that will leave you haunted by shadows which would dissipate if they were only exposed to the light of day.

So lets make up some horrible things which you might find out. Run this to the point where you can laugh about it and are not worried about the consequences of discovering some dreadful thing.

a) Think of or invent a horrible "truth" that you might find out.

b) What would be the consequences of that?