You are, or someone else is, in the middle of such a big problem that nothing else seems to exist. It is so big that it is all that they can see--and they see it, of course, from the inside.

1. What is the problem (or situation, or condition)? so that you have a name for it--for example, "the problem with my boyfriend."

Now ask
2. What problem (situation or condition) would be worse than .................. e.g. "the problem with my boyfriend."

They may say that nothing could be worse. Ask them to
3. Imagine anything at all that could be worse.

4. Get an answer.

5. Acknowledge and accept the answer.

Ask again
6. What problem (situation or condition) would be worse than ..................(the original one).

7. Repeat this question, getting different answers.
Do this until the original very large problem is now much smaller.

Now, it can be handled.

If you feel smaller than a pebble, it becomes a mountain. It is much easier to handle a pebble than a mountain.

Additional Step.

You could ask for solutions to be created for each of the problems that are worse than the one being experienced.

with no solution

You have tried and cannot find a solution to the problem.


1. Imagine that everything in the world has stopped.

2. Imagine that you are floating above it all, and see the whole situation as though it were a Television soap opera.

3. Visualize all that is making things difficult for you--seeing yourself as a character in the drama.

4. Create as many more difficulties for the "you" character as you can. Let them be unsolved, and the character being completely overwhelmed.

5. Go back to the point where you stopped everything. Create the difficulties again, and let them belong to some other character--not "you."

6. Invent solutions for these difficulties, telling the suffering character what he or she should do. See them following your instructions, and observe the difficulties being overcome.

7. Become the "you" character once more, and realize that you have just been a solver of difficulties.

8. Come back to earth from your viewing place, bringing with you the ability to change things and to solve problems and to resolve difficulties.


It appears that you are being sabotaged and that your experiences are being created by a malevolent source.

This can be true. The way to handle it is not:
1. To resist it or get angry about it.
2. To fight it or to defend self.
3. To hide from it or escape it.
These actions encourage it to affect you.

Step aside and allow the energy from that other to go past you. Allow it to be their energy. If you do nothing at all but realise that there is some energy there, to accept or reject, it will not affect you.

If it does still affect you there is something else that is happening here.

It means that you already have within you some of what you are receiving from the other. This allows it to reach you. You attract it!

These things within you could be beliefs which allow it to be as it is [such as those of deserving it] or more often, YOU have caused another to experience what you are now experiencing.


1. Feel the feelings that you are receiving.

2. Ask yourself “When have I caused another to feel exactly as I now feel?”

3. Feel the feelings that you caused.

4. Get as many other times as you can when you caused others to feel those feelings.

5. Feel the feelings that you caused. Feel them as intensely as you can.

6. Know you are responsible for causing them. [owning them is the only way to control them]

7. Let them go! Another way of saying this is forgive yourself.

8. As you do the above, know that you will change, i.e., you won't create those feelings for others any more.

This should remove that which allows you to receive the Psychic attack. If not you have missed something so do it all again as thoroughly as you can.


1. Look at what you have done. Really acknowledge it to yourself. Do not make excuses or justifications--these only make you feel worse.

2. How do you judge yourself for behaving in this way? How do you regard or judge anyone else who has done the same thing?

3. Forgive all others that you have judged. When you have done that, you will be able to forgive yourself.

4. Decide to change.


Revenge is an attempt to show how displeased or angry you are because of something that another has done. You consider that they have harmed you. You do not know how to express your anger nor how to 'make right' the hurt you feel.

If you consider that you will feel better once the other person shares your anger and hurt and therefore plan to cause them to share it by doing something that angers and hurts them you are then creating two lots of anger and hurt.

You will each have two lots of it then. Because ALL of the anger and hurt that you give and receive is stored in your conscious and/or subconscious memory. It may also be stored by the other person in their memory.

Do your really enjoy anger and hurt so much as to create it and to store it in your reality? If you did you would welcome that which you have received. As you say you don't welcome it then do not create more. You will be affected by what you create.

Handle your anger as explained elsewhere in this book and handle your hurt as explained in "Unwanted Emotions."


If you are lost in self-pity,

Ask yourself
1. Whose attention do I want?

Then ask,
2. When?

3. Who am I trying to punish?

Then ask,
4. When?

Just let answers come. It may surprise you.

Now, ask yourself
5. Do I enjoy giving attention to someone else who is feeling sorry for themselves.

If your answer is "No,"
6. Decide what kind of person you do prefer to be with, and give your attention to.

If you are trying to punish someone,
7. Look and see whether they are really being punished by your self-pity. Who is it that is feeling bad?

When these things have been resolved,
8. Find out who you were angry with before you felt sorry for yourself.

9. Transform the feeling of self-pity into the anger that you did not acknowledge, and feel it.

If you don't want this anger,
10. Release it as in "UNWANTED EMOTION."


When you have not been allowed to feel real sorrow, or have not allowed yourself to feel real sorrow, the resulting sham of an emotion is shame.

Shame and guilt are not normal human emotions. Shame has no source within you--it is something that has been dumped on you. Do not confuse shame with the powerful energy of remorse.

The only first aid of which I am aware is to realize that shame is something that has been caused by another, or others. It can be ended.

See a practitioner for a course in ending shame.

loved one

If the sickness of another causes you worry and fear you can become weak and ineffective. No-one is helped in this way.

What people create is what exists. If you are happy and I am happy we have two lots of happiness. That seems OK. If I am unhappy and you become unhappy then we have two lots of unhappiness. That does not seem so good. It will not create happiness for anyone.

If someone is sick, and you put your attention on the sickness, there are two lots of sickness. So the first thing to do is take your attention off how sick they are, and put all your attention on future health.

If there is something constructive you can do, then do it.

Sympathy is sharing sadness. It makes more sadness.

Understanding what is happening for the other and quietly being supportive with calm thoughts gives strength and aids healing.

1. Focus on the person and imagine you are flowing white light into their body. Imagine it flowing especially into areas that need healing.

If you can be with the person,
2. Put your hand on them gently, and flow the white light through your hand to them.

Do not feel any feeling that you do not wish to create for them whilst doing this. Positive thoughts of peace and joy and love can help them to heal.


There is some danger, sitting in front of the TELEVISION for any length of time. You get mainly the unpleasant aspects of life presented as "news", as certain current affairs programs, in police shows, and the like. As you sit watching this unpleasant material, you may have sympathy, anger and other emotions stimulated. You may also blame people for some of what you see.

This can make you very unhappy, frustrated, angry and feel you are powerless.

Realize that although you are big enough, powerful enough to control your TELEVISION set, you do not have the power to make the whole world right for those suffering on your TELEVISION.

Now, realize that you are part of it all. You are a part of the ALL, and you are connected to every part that comes to your attention. Because you are connected, you can help.

You can change all that is wrong with the world as it appears to you in your consciousness.

It is the aggregate of the (greed, for example) of all of us that creates all the greed that is in the world. So as we reduce our own conscious and subconscious level of greed, that is not just one less greedy person, it is less greed in the entire world. (The power and importance of this simple principle is amazing.)

1. Write down everything you can find that is wrong with the world, and the beliefs that might have caused each wrong thing.

2. Preface each belief with "I."

3. Write the positive belief alongside.

You will have a list like:



I am greedy I am generous
I am cruel I am kind
I am the only one who is right etc.

4. Realize that you are programmed with both these opposites, and that your negative side has been hidden.

This will already produce some relief.

You can clear these negative beliefs completely if you wish. Firstly relax and go deep within.

Close your eyes when allowing the subconscious to present you with its material.

5. Go to the earliest time you formed the belief............. (I am cruel). With the thought of being there your subconscious IS there you do not have to DO anything

6. Create the feelings that go with that belief. Create them intensely. Create them as intensely as you can, and bring them to a peak of intensity. When you get them to a peak, they will flow.

7. Put them into a container, and see the words e.g. (I am cruel) going into the container.

8. When all the feelings and the words of the belief are in the container, put the lid on, and put it out of your universe.

9. Create the positive belief for yourself, and create the feelings that go with that belief. As you do so, see yourself writing that belief.

10. Repeat the process for each negative belief you have found.

When you have replaced each with its positive equivalent, conclude the exercise with "the 33 second technique".

The 33 Second Technique.

1. Feel the good feelings, and visualize yourself with the positive beliefs creating your new reality and the improved world situation.

2. Desire this. Expect it. Imagine it.

3. Desire, expect, and imagine it more.

3. Build desire, expectation and imagination to a peak. (This will take thirty three seconds)

4. Let the picture go!