I wanted to commend Mark Jones on his new Belief Changing techniques as they have helped me tremendously and I know they will help others. I had difficulty with certain aspects of my work, mainly having the courage to meet producers and develop people pitch story ideas. Mark helped me spot the beliefs that kept me from doing my best in these meetings and helped me form new beliefs that made my job not only easier, but actually enjoyable.

Susan Meyers
I learnt that I am 100% accountable for my life experiences. I feel peaceful within myself and find myself giving and receiving love freely. As I have changed so has the world around me.

I wrote a goal back in November '94 and that goal was to release my fears of limitations!
This goal has now been achieved!!
I feel an empowerment!!
    knowing that I create my own reality
    knowing that I can change within, and also with, others.
I feel a great sense of inner peace and love.
I feel much more confidence and inner worth.

Thank you Muriel.
Best course I have done in this lifetime!!
My love and light to you

My success story----Rosalind

1. I got here in the first place.
2. I learned a lot about how I use energy--that I'm handling the energy which determines the way I am.
3. I'm in control--I now realise this.
4. People love me so much more now, and I can love and accept them and understand them much better.
5. I'm expressing my feelings and planning things with other people. (e.g. Hallett cove singing group.)
6. I feel of value.

Dear Muriel,
Since Ros has been doing the Belief changing course our relationship has blossomed and after a few hick-ups we are back to honeymoon love in all senses.

She has not asked me to write this, but I feel you are owed a very big thankyou for being there and sharing all your knowledge and skill. You're wonderful--she (Ros) is wonderful.

I love you both.

Terry Gallasch
I've never found anything that has given me total satisfaction; to create such appetite for more without emptiness. I can't learn and gain enough. I am content and so happy with what I have encountered and experience.

Searching is consuming and negativity exhausting without sufficient satisfaction.

My eyes are open now and I trust what I am doing for the first time in my life. I am also learning who I really am and what and who I really always wanted to become, free of my inner turmoil. I have begun the path to my own success and there is nothing nothing sweeter.

Testimonial Following A 75 Minute Belief Changing Demonstration

I was feeling untrustworthy.

I was feeling unsure of myself in the relationship. I was feeling unloved; I was feeling his criticism and feeling unsure of myself and responding to his criticism with fear. I was feeling separate from him and feeling he did not acknowledge me. I had a feeling I would lose him to someone else because of my unworthiness.

After I did the belief changing session I felt completely different. I felt at ease in the relationship. I felt love and could respond with love. I was no longer frightened of him and could gently chastise him if he was not being fair. He responded with more love and no longer threatened me. I felt he was not so critical. Because I was more trusting, loving and accepting he responded with acceptance, trust and love. I am no longer fearful of losing him. I feel more powerful.

I realise I must be the right person and not just want the right person and live in fear.

Our relationship has turned around quite dramatically.

I feel at peace with myself and do not feel jealous.
Belief Changing Testimonial After 3 Sessions And A Mini Course

Many thanks to Muriel for showing me the process of belief changing.

With her help and guidance I have made some very dramatic changes to my life.

Although I have used many other processes on my pathway never have I come across a process where the results manifest so quickly. In several cases I have changed limiting beliefs and the results manifested within minutes others came within days I changed a belief in being dangerous and angry to one of being peaceful and within a few moments I was faced with a confrontational situation which I would ordinarily have become very irate, I defused the situation without any suppression of anger or any ill feelings on my part, something that was ordinarily impossible for me.

Since that time I have not been in one confrontational situation.

This is just one example of the changes that have occurred in my life due to belief changing.

It has opened up my ability to feel and to give unconditional love even to those that behave in a way that is destructive as I now know that I am responsible for what I have created in my life and that I am not a helpless victim of life. Even though I had previously known this as a concept up until now it had never been demonstrated in
my life. I also feel that I have a genuine gift to give the planet and that I hold the tools to make a difference to the world. and forgive those that are destructive knowing that they are only acting out what is in their subconscious.

The difference it has made to my self confidence is so dramatic that I can not describe it.

Again my heartfelt thanks to Muriel.
Adrian van der Linde 26 October 1994
Taken from a letter Dec. 93

I worked quite persistently with accepting myself, changing beliefs about myself as I saw them in Bill and the children.

Miracles have occurred with Bill and Lindy; Bill especially. He is softening and relaxing and slowly changing his point of view on many things where he was exhibiting quite a hard, judgmental stance, and he is being quite wonderful to me--more loving than ever I expected anyone to be towards me in this lifetime- it's the realization of a life long dream. Lindy has settled--she's very calm well organized and self assured and becoming increasingly pleased with her self image. Sometimes she is almost serene.

I know now that I love them very much and will never leave them until I die. I love Jim too. That is love and loyalty now.

Thankyou for the magic you have brought to me.

Cheryl is very happy and has worked on her relationship with her husband which has been quite difficult for years (she's left him twice)--he's got a job at last and looks years younger and much more alive than I ever remember.

It is like emerging out of a lifetime fog and being able to see for the first time.

I love you.

JH 29/11/1993
Today I sat and waited for someone and as I sat my attention was drawn to the fact that the roofing material had been cut too short. As I looked at it I realized that there were many other instances around the house of things being too short. The word "short" suddenly appeared as something more than a word and its associations seemed more real than the definition. I let it associate and saw it was a part of life. It was creating life. I looked up the definition in the dictionary and as I did so more and more associations came into view. Since I first sat down I was feeling energy flowing that had been blocked. I then looked at beliefs of shortness and having begun changing them the world has changed yet again. Maybe she was late in order that I gain this change. Yesterday I handled anxiety. There may be more to handle but I opened and cleared a whole area of life and have less feeling of anxiety present.
July, '94

I had wanted a physical relationship, a tender loving one with someone spiritual. He arrived tender sensual spiritual and wanting me dreaming of me. I had been taking back my power as in a Lazaris tape and had taken back the power I had lost in most sexual encounters. I had been reading "Demian" by Hesse and had admired the strength of the woman in the story who had handled the situation elegantly rather than obeying desires first. I talked with him found his beauty and his honesty and his lust and his attraction and I was honest about how I felt about relationships from a level of power that I had never had before. I could have easily and with delight partaken of his massages and sensuality and sexuality and I would have satisfied his incredible need. But he also wanted to find a wife and have children and I want my spiritual growth. I saw physical pleasure as it is without seeing any other benefit and it did not feel right so I refused elegantly. Previously I had handled similar situations by agreeing or avoiding the issue or by running and by manipulation and everything else but straight honesty. To refuse what it was I had actually created by my fantasy in all its perfection for my ethics gave me my power. I had created magically and I had re-created magically.
After The Anger Releasing Work Shop August 94

My life has changed a lot since doing the releasing anger workshop. I now see anger just as that, and so it does not have the same negative affect on me as it used to have. When I am around people who are angry and people are angry at each other I don't get sucked into the situation and possibly making it worse. And if the anger is aimed at me I don't go to affect of it as I once would but handle it effectively with seemingly little effort rather than add to the situation. As a result my relationship with my children and others have improved. I am much more spontaneous and feel much freer and happier. I can just be do and have more.
Since the session on unblocking flows I have realised that I am now here, in Australia.

At the age of 7 I came to Australia with my parents or at least part of me did. Since I have regained that part of my attention that was still stuck over there, everything around me has become clearer and brighter and life has become an adventure because everything is so new. Life has been more fun and I have regained my lost abilities of focus and reason. I am freer to start change and stop anything in my life. I find that I have the intelligence that I thought I wanted and it is as though life is starting anew. I feel much better.
One Week After A First Session On The 10 August 1994

I am positive. I am happier. I am Free. I am funnier.

Neville said I was more positive and not so moody. People kept looking at me as though I shone with a light around me. Neville said I even looked different--no pain on my face.

I feel different from everyone. I feel like they are missing out on something. They need to get rid of some of their limiting beliefs.

I look forward to studying and making myself achieve the ultimate goal of becoming at peace and helping others.

Before A Second Session August 1994

I have changed toward my children. I have more patience. I said to my daughter "You are beautiful; you are you." I have more love and listening for my son. I do not react with my husband when we talk. I feel better about myself.

Later. My son has improved because I have improved. I made a decision. I decided to leave Nick the other man in my life.

13 Sept 1994 After 3 Sessions

I am much happier, so much less "poor me", everything looks brighter, I feel much more in control.

People are coming to me, people remark on how healthy and happy I look.

I'm more organised, more up-to-date with chores--the boring stuff. I get things done--quickly rather than eventually. I want to enjoy--everything.

I'm interested in me, I'm physically healthier than for at least the last five years.

I seem to be smarter, I'm sensitive to things that I wasn't before.

My priorities and values are different, I really like things more.

I am able to discard junk (possessions) brutally now.

I am looking forward to how good things are going to be.

I don't look down at anyone now.

I'm achieving 10 times as much as before.

Transformation Course, 10 Dec., '94

Going solo was incredibly easy for me. It was very quick to do. Even though I had imagined that it would be difficult and clumsy to do. Locating the earliest time was quick and easy to do. Getting rid of the negative emotion was easy and very fast. Changing to the positive belief was again very quick and always put a smile on my face. I just automatically got a smile on my face as I was going through it. I did not expect it to be so easy. I was amazed surprised at how the course was organised on the right gradient so that everything went naturally and easy. There was no struggle. Most definitely I have created magic. I would say that my results were magical. By doing the course it'll make your life much happier. "Do the course and your life will be much happier." It makes you become more your yourself.

Tim B: What can I say?--it damn well worked beautifully. I now have the gift of a most powerful tool which I can use to pursue my spiritual and personal growth. As an added benefit it makes me feel fantastic at the same time. An amazing experience for me was observing my higher self conducting the session on 'me' and witnessing the emotions. It was amazing to see for example, tears form and subside as the higher self conducted the session. It was a strange sensation to be aware of this and at the same time co-operating with "them" by opening my eyes to read the beliefs that my higher self was working on. Amazing. Wonderful.

I really expected only half of the benefit of a one on one session and was delighted to find that I received the full benefit--even on my first solo journey.

Sam: I just feel great. I feel so normal. I did a good job. It was amazing. I went back to two places I had never seen before. I had lost one arm. In the other, I was around people wearing white robes. There was a whole group of us women, and I was a prostitute. I thought it was amazing (so did the people who heard this by the way--Tim). I found losing the feeling energy, getting rid of it I didn't feel it go until I ripped the page, it was like flicking a switch. I feel that I have achieved miracles (little ones but too many to count). I really feel that I am now a belief changer. I achieved the purpose of the course. The course ..... mmm I'd like to tell you how much it's benefited me. I am more myself now the person I wanted to be. Personal, life long agonies have just gone--they were the major ones to me.

Robyne: My first attempt at solo belief changing was easier than I thought. I was sitting right in my "stuff" feeling a multitude of emotions and not totally convinced that I had enough of myself available to do the work and very much wanting someone else to do it for me! As soon as I lay down to work I was right there, right back in the past that had been restimulated. I could see my bedroom as a child with my things around me and I was deep in "grief". I persisted and was surprised at how much my mind had stored of the technique and the patter. I could recall every word as clear as day. At times my attention wandered so I included the thoughts that were coming in into the emotional energy I was putting into the urn and burned them. If pictures appeared and persisted I tore them into pieces as I tore up the page and burned them as well. I had many beliefs for this session and I was very aware of the body changes I experienced as I worked through and changed my beliefs. I was also delighted to feel the emotions lift and dissolve away. I must say that I feel much lighter and centred, much calmer. Even though I still kind of like the idea of someone taking me through the process it's quite a relief to know that I have these skills on tap, any time I need to use them. I have achieved the goals of the course. I'm now a belief changer!!!!
Success Story

On the first day of the Belief Changing Course I found I handled a basic belief that has bugged me for seventy years.

My space opened up so much the house seemed too small to hold me, my protective armours exploded in all directions freeing me to freely love in all directions without any inhibitions whereas before every show of affinity was a demonstration to myself that there was no real love, but only degrees of liking.
Through Belief Changing I have had many positive changes in my life.

1 - I had been practising some blues songs with a friend of mine in order to attain some work as a performing duo at a local restaurant. the restaurant had had my phone number for several weeks but was not aware that we had been practicing. A doubt entered my head...'What if we practiced for nothing? If they didn't want us?'

I caught that belief, went in to my room of beliefs, and symbolically changed it. Within two days I received a call from the restaurant. it was Thursday, and they wanted us to play on Saturday night. We did and our music was well received. We got four more weeks work with them as a result.

2 - I started a relationship with a man, and a fear arose. I had been alone for so long that I believed loneliness had become my best friend, and I could not let go of the sorrow. through discovering, and changing the hidden beliefs connected with this, I relaxed into the relationship, and allowed myself to be loved.

3 - Further into the above relationship, I began to have difficulties with my lover. he could not feel comfortable with me in a relationship because of my children. I found a belief that iI had that no man could possibly love me and my children . Within a week or two of changing this belief, and the surrounding ones, another man entered my life. He fell in love with me and my children . And I, without realising it, fell in love with him. We are now living together - two months after we first met! Its incredible! This is the first 'live-in' relationship I have had in seven years, and I am extremely happy.

Without Belief Changing I would not have achieved any of these things.

My sincerest thanks to Muriel for counselling me, and Mark for devising the course.

Julia E
Belief Changing Gains

March/April 1992

By changing my work pattern I now feel that I have created time to develop my talents and pleasures. Also I have the confidence to guide the progress of the company without providing all my energies.

It is the extra 4 hours of TIME that I have for my self to do so much with - rather than the 4 hours I don't have to work that is important. There is the feeling of coming alive.

My staff have faith in me and all is well.

John E
Kay T

. . . . The belief Changing weekend has certainly enhanced my ability to extend myself and to grow in tune with my aspirations. I could list the various beliefs I have changed, and whether or not I perceive their successful reflection, as I have kept a record of these. In addition I have managed to attain these:

    - an extension in a relief position at work (which I really enjoy - it is quite analytical), which includes a "work car" as a side benefit.

    - a renewal of interest and a seemingly enhanced ability in playing the guitar.

    - an affordable old style house, which we can renovate to our own taste, in a location which is 'just right' for our family.

    - more motivation to perceive things from others perspective.

    - an appreciation of the beauty of myself and others.

I have a solid sense of confidence in competence, and this has helped me to grow in many facets of my life.

I was having a little difficulty with the 33 second technique for a while, as when I tried to picture myself, all I could see was me with white light emanating from me. Although it was ok - it felt right - I also heard myself saying, "you are visualising death". Once I tackled a limiting belief regarding death I came to think that it was the death of the subconscious I was visualising. I rarely visualise myself like this now, as I believe I do emanate white light in everyday life.

I am excited about the changes. I think I need to work more on meditation - to be alone being a part of everything else. I have purchased a book to address this need.

I hope you are having a wonderful life - I am sure that you are. I do think of you often. Thankyou for the photo of the graduation. your gentle strength is evident even in the photo, and your strength has helped me to grow stronger.

Keep up the wonderful work.

Belief Changing Works!

I was asked half a dozen questions last month, and I had the answers sitting right there waiting to be given, it seems.

Since that time I have had so many postulates, some tiny but some not so small, appear for me in the physical universe, that I quickly decided that I had better take care of about what I postulate!

I am experiencing a taste of what it's like to . . . actually operate!

Recently I said to a vendor of a property that I would purchase it, but then a day later saw a better property and decided to buy the better property instead. This meant that I had to tell the first vendor that I was not going to proceed with the purchase - as is, of course, my right under law. I was able to do this fairly easily but at one time I would probably have stuck with the first property rather than confront the problem of backing out.

Last weekend I found my daughter and her man, having had some trouble in the city, wished to move to the country and live in my house there. This would have created various difficulties and I told them so quietly and that the answer was no, and they accepted this. St one time I may well have let them stay, rather than face telling them they could not.

On both of these occasions I had no doubt that my handling of the two situations was made possible or at least easier, on account of having been working on belief changing.
In September '92, a friend, introduced me to Muriel Chen. She showed me how to find and change my beliefs from limiting negative ones to positive ones.

What she showed me felt great at the time, but what I have since come to realise is that in the space of about 5 minutes - she showed me how to change my life.

Now when I feel myself reacting to something or someone, I look for the limiting negative beliefs and change it to a positive.

The positive part of belief changing has given me the courage to do things I would never have dreamed of doing before.

I have been able to change my predisposition to physical problems eg. headache, sore throat, by finding the limiting belief. I have also been able to help others change the spiritual cause of physical problems eg. cold, fever, sore knee by guiding them to look at their limiting beliefs that are the cause of such problems.
After spending time with you last Friday, somewhat to my advantage, I now hold the opinion that Post Modern Witches call their dens studios, ride pencils instead of broom sticks. and need the company of black cats at least their studios ... thankyou Magic carpets and all.