
To Be Free of Negative Memories

by Peter Shepherd

Since you are today, to a significant extent, what your memories have made you, it follows that you must take steps to prevent the creation of new negative memories which exert control over your life. You should know that:

It is impossible to do anything to you - the actual You - at any time; it is always your thought/consideration/decision/postulate, that affects you. Thus only you suffer from holding grudges, hatreds, resentments or revengefulness. No-one has ever affected you but your own thoughts. No-one has caused you to be frightened, angry, hurt or happy but your own mind, because if you didn't identify in your own mind with what was said or done to you, you would not have been affected in the least. This is one of the most difficult facets of existence to perceive, but once perceived, its worth becomes priceless. Understanding this is the way to ultimate freedom.

Take a look at your Life Chart. Take each memory separately and see that it was your own thinking that caused you to feel hurt, happy, angry and so forth. Keep re-feeling the experience until you free everyone in the scene of guilt for affecting you. Then reverse the process, and be sure that you yourself do not have guilt because in like manner, it was their identification in their mind with what you said or did that affected them and not you.

This is a profound technique. Its use will free you of guilt feelings or complexes, resentments, hostilities, inhibitions, submerged anger, repressed emotions, and organic diseases that have emotional causes.

The knowledge you release (for you always knew it) will not immediately make you more comfortable or secure. In fact, it is painful at times, because you will be aware of your false identities, your facades, your defence mechanisms, your sillyness, your viciousness, and your primitive self, perhaps for the first time. But persist for you are recovering a genuine identity that no-one can take away from you. Your security and comfort will gradually be found in your change from a pseudo-self to a permanent harmonious Self that is objective and unlimited in scope. This is the way to higher consciousness and higher powers of mind.

Move on to Sensate Focusing.

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