Theory Check-outs

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The Important Points
The important points to cover in a theory Check-out are:

1. The specific rules, natural laws, principles, maxims, or stable data. 
2. The exact details of how something is done.
3. The theory behind why it is done or done that way.
4. Definition of words used.

The checkout is geared in the direction of application.  

1. "The specific rules, natural laws, principles, maxims, or stable data" must be known and the student must be able to demonstrate that their meaning is known to him. Using a demo kit is the normal way to demonstrate. 
Not knowing (1) when the data are put to their final test, applying them in practice, will cause clumsy, robotic, and inept application and frequent mistakes.

2. "The exact details of how something is done" must be exactly known; in which order they are done and a description of the actions, though not verbatim. 
This is usually drilled in Practical before actual application. But in Theory it has to be known to this point before practical drilling would make any sense or be successful. 

3. "The theory behind why it is done or done that way" must be known. This has to be given accurately and with understanding but not verbatim. 
When doing something in practice the student will always run into situations that don't seem to match the theory 100%. It is impossible, or at least not practical, to try to describe and learn every possible situation beforehand. In practical application the graduate has to be able to think with the subject and apply the basic principles and reasoning to the situations he meets.

Exact dates, numbers, or verbatim quotes would only in very rare cases be important and would in such cases be stated on the checksheet. They are not asked for unless required by the checksheet. 

4. Definition of words used. Misunderstood words can prevent understanding completely and result in mis-application and non-application (as explained earlier). You check for meaning of words as to prevent that any MUs are left behind.

The student is expected to eventually apply the data. That is the whole purpose of study. To be able to apply the data :  (1), rules and laws, must be known down cold,  (2), details on how to do it, must be able to be experienced and (3), the theory behind, must be appreciated. (4), no misunderstood words must be left behind.
Asking for anything else is pedantic and will give the person examined an unnecessary  feeling of failure.


If you checked-out a student on 
Newton's Law of gravity you 
would have him explain the 
principle and check his 
understanding of the formula. 
You wouldn't check if he knew 
   who Newton was or when he lived.  

Isaac Newton


spot-check Materials
When checking out materials you use Spot Check-out. You do not try to cover it all. It is done the same way a final examination is given in schools: only a part of the materials is covered by examination; if the student has this right the student is assumed to know all of it.

Flunks are given for any hesitation, confusion, or communication lag when answering. If the student can't answer right away he doesn't know it well enough to apply. Any hesitation, mmm..., ah..., well... is a flunk, as the student certainly doesn't know it well enough to use. 
This does of course not include stammerers. You should be aware of the student's normal pattern of speech. 

 You never keep on examining a theory assignment after a student has missed.

In other words, the check-out must have been 100% right answers for a pass. 95% is not a pass. When some theory part is too unimportant for a 100% pass only evidence that it has been read is required and it is not examined at all. This is marked as zero-rated on the checksheet. Materials you check out require 100% pass; less important materials are not examined. They are merely signed off on the checksheet by the student himself. Students attest to having read them, understood them, having cleared up any and all misunderstood words, and knowing them well enough to be able to apply them.

Who Can Give Check-outs
To be allowed to do star-rate Check-outs on other students the coach has to: 

1. Have finished and passed the 3 short chapters on how to check out theory materials given here (previous chapter, this one and the next one). 
2. He has to have studied the materials he is checking somebody else out in. 
The best situation is if the coach has been star-rated on those materials, but this is not required. Star-rate Check-outs are done by students on each other. They are not done by the course supervisor unless marked so on the checksheet. 

Some materials are Supervisor Check-outs. Such materials include the most important parts of the theory. It also includes the three present chapters on how to do a star-rate Check-out. This is done to get the students started right. The supervisor wants to ensure that his students know how to give standard Check-outs exactly by the book. The supervisor also observes his students giving each other Check-outs. He ensures the quality of these Check-outs. If the Check-outs are done right he lets the students get on with it. If not, he writes a so-called Pink Sheet. This is a short study order written on a pink sheet of paper. It tells the student to Word Clear and re-study the needed Check-out chapters or sections thereof. The supervisor then checks the student out on this personally. 

The remedies for poor quality Check-outs are Word Clearing and further study of Check-out materials. The supervisor never resorts to taking over Check-outs of all course materials himself. Only by using this system can we have effective Check-outs and a supervisor who is free to supervise effectively. 


The student may be 
given a final written 
   exam. With 85% right   
answers it is a pass.



Final Exams
A general written examination for classification is usually given. A written exam requires 85% correct answers to be a pass. Any wrong answers are handled by having the student restudy and pass a Check-out on those pieces missed. This has to be done before he is granted a final pass.

Make sure that students who get constantly low marks are also handled with Word Clearing. The chains of misunderstoods may go back to definitions of words they haven’t understood in some former subject. There exist a number of methods of Word Clearing, all very effective. Method 3 and Method 9 can be done in the course room. Other methods require a professional Word Clearer or an advanced student to do them. These methods include the use of a Meter. The Meter is an instrument that reacts on exact questions asked. The Word Clearer has different ways to ask questions and will consult the Meter and use it to possibly dig up long forgotten misunderstood words. 

The subject of "wrong definitions cause stupidity or circuits, followed by hostility, protest and blows", is not easy to get across because it is so common today.  Sometimes a Word Clearer has to go a long way into almost forgotten subjects or periods of the student's past to find the misunderstoods causing the trouble in present time. This requires a Meter and is why a professional Word Clearer has to be called in.

Check-out Summary
Doing Check-outs per above speeds up courses. It ensures at the same time that the important data are known and understood. Good, sound examination is the answer. Irrelevant examination-questions only slows down the student and extends their time on course. Demo kit demonstrations are used extensively in Check-outs. The twin or supervisor should ask questions that require an ability to apply. Give the student a situation and have him tell you how he would handle it. Be as tough as you want, but only on (1), (2), (3) and (4) per above. Flunk him if not a 100% pass and have him find and look up the misunderstood words and restudy the materials. 

Since the student progresses one item of the checksheet at the time it is easy and quick for him to catch up. We don't wait a whole semester (as in schools and universities) and then flunk the student and demand that he spends the next 5-10 months doing it all over again. The checksheet system used in Study Technology ensures that he is led down a path of certainties. This leads to participation, competence, and eventually to professionalism - and that is what the Study Technology is about.


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