1. not believable; not credible; not worthy of belief or trust; not plausible.


1. the act of digging off the top to get at the bottom as in moving sand. (As a basic is not at once available on any chain one usually unburdens it by running later engrams, secondaries and locks. As you run off later incidents, the ability of the Preclear to confront basic also increases and basic is easy to run when finally contacted.) 2. the technique of thoroughly bringing to view everything contained in an engram by scanning its locks. (Alternate running of the engram and scanning its locks should bring about a maximal release of entheta.)


1. not changed; not made different in some way; not altered.


1. in reference to the Personality Profile, an absence of change, difference, etc., on a Preclear’s Graph is due to a Present Time Problem.


UNCONSCIOUS (adjective)

1. a) not endowed with consciousness; mindless. b) temporarily deprived of consciousness. 2. not aware (of). 3. not known, realized, or intended by the person himself. 4. not aware of one’s own existence; not conscious of self. 5. having to do with those of one’s mental processes that one is unable to bring into his consciousness. 6. an attenuation of working power of the analytical mind.



1. the state of not knowing or perceiving; the state of not being able to think; unawareness.


1. plural of unconsciousness.


1. a situation in which the Clearing Practitioner allows the Preclear to list on and on with no stops or checks. see LISTING

UNDER (adverb)

1. in or to a position below something; beneath; underneath. 2. in or to a condition that is inferior or subordinate. 3. so as to be covered, surmounted, enveloped, or concealed. 4. less than the required or assigned amount, etc.

UNDER (adjective)

1. located or moving below something else or on the lower surface. 2. lower in authority, position, power, etc.; subordinate. 3. held in control or restraint. 4. lower in amount, degree, etc.


1. to run a Preclear on processes that are easier for the Preclear to confront. 2. running a process that handles a broader area of charge or a more fundamental aspect of the Reactive Mind than the current process: as, power processes were originally developed as an under cut to all other processes.


1. an error committed in the process of listing in which the end phenomena is not reached, yet the listing process is discontinued. see LISTING


1. lying under; placed beneath. 2. fundamental; basic. 3. obscure; not clearly evident.


1. to wear away at the base or foundation. 2. to injure, weaken, or impair, especially by subtle or stealthy means.


1. a situation in which the Clearing Practitioner is not putting the Preclear’s attention on anything, thereby preventing the Preclear from making any gains in Clearing.


1. to discontinue a process before reaching the optimum point; discontinue a process before reaching the end phenomena for that process.


1. to leave a Clearing cycle incomplete and go off to something else.


1. to know or get the meaning of something, or what it does or will do, or what intention it has.


1. the act of comprehending, knowing, having knowledge. 2. the power or ability to comprehend, know. 3. the result of seeing and duplicating two opposing views on the same subject. (Understanding is proportional to the degree of affinity, reality and communication involved).


1. comprehended; knew; got the meaning of something; achieved a grasp of the nature, significance, or explanation of something.


1. not detected; not found out; not having discovered the existence, presence, or fact of.


1. the condition of being unable to express emotion. 2. cooly serene.


1. not ethical; not moral. 2. lack of rationality toward the highest level of survival for the individual, the future race, the group, and mankind, and the other dynamics taken collectively.


1. behavior consisting of destruction and fear. 2. behavior that is not moral or rational.


1. not expected; not awaited or waited for. 2. not looked forward to; not looked for as likely to occur or appear; not anticipated. 3. not looked for as due, proper, or necessary.


1. not flat; not continued as long as it produced change; not fully erased; not discharged of all bad consequences to the Preclear. 2. not continued to the point of a specific achievement or accomplishment.


1. not friendly; hostile; showing hate or dislike.


1. sinfulness; wickedness; corruption. 2. disrespect for persons or things to which one should be devoted.


1. a lack of pleasure, joy, or contentment. 2. a state or condition of being sad, miserable, sorrowful, etc. 3. the inability to confront that which is.

UNHAPPY (adjective)

1. not happy; sad; miserable; wretched; sorrowful. 2. not confronting that which is.


1. not important; not having much meaning or value.


1. a whole system of created things. (There are three types of universes. The most important is one’s own universe; the second most important is the MEST universe; the third most important is known as “others’ universes.”) 2. the agreed upon reality of matter, energy, space and time.


1. not kind; not friendly; not good; harsh; cruel.


1. not known; not understood clearly; not familiar with; not certain of. 2. unaware of the truth, existence or factuality of.


1. take down or destroy. 2. make nothing of.


1. a perpetration delivered in the absence of a motivator. see MOTIVATOR


1. not necessary; not needed; not required.


1. not paid; not having given what is due for goods or services; not having discharged obligations.


1. not real; not genuine; not existing in fact; implies disagreement between what seems to be and what is.


1. not true; contrary to fact; false.


1. not usual or common; strange; rare; exceptional.


1. inappropriate and incorrect methods of trying to solve problems concerning a Preclear’s case that are taken up because the gross clearing error has not been spotted; attempts made to remedy an abuse of existing technology.


1. not wanted; not needed or required; not desired; inclined not to like.

UNWILLING (adjective)

1. not willing or inclined; reluctant. 2. done, said, given, etc. reluctantly.


1. a condition or state in which an individual feels compelled to be at cause because she doesn’t dare be at effect; being at cause purely out of fear of being at effect. see CAUSE / see EFFECT


1. to a place thought of as higher; a direction opposite of down.


1. higher in place or physical position. 2. higher in rank, authority, dignity, etc.; superior.


1. the Creative Realization Levels.


1. moral goodness. 2. honesty. 3. righteousness.


1. an increasing of awareness; an increasing of one’s power and ability to observe with certainty.

UPSET (noun)

1. a disturbance of the composure or mood or mental disposition.

UPSET (verb)

1. to tip over; overturn; capsize. 2. to disturb or disorder the functioning or course of. 3. to defeat or overthrow, especially unexpectedly. 4. to perturb; discompose; distress.


1. a disturbing of the composure or mood or mental disposition.


1. a drive; impulse.


1. drives; impulses.

USE (noun)

1. the act of using or the state of being used; usage. 2. the power or ability to use. 3. the right or permission to use. 4. the need, opportunity, or occasion to use. 5. way of using. 6. the quality that makes a thing useful or suitable for a given purpose; advantage; usefulness; worth; utility. 7. the object, end, or purpose for which something is used. 8. function; service. 9. constant, continued, customary, or habitual employment, practice, or exercise, or an instance of this; custom; habit; practice.

USE (verb)

1. to put into action or service; employ; to carry out a purpose or action by means of.