
Affinity Degree of closeness or liking of someone or something. Willingness to duplicate.
Application Performing useful actions in the physical universe based on one's knowledge.
Check-out A verification of understanding of a studied piece of text by the instructor.
Checksheet A list of items to study and actions to do in the order they are listed.
Clay demo An illustration of the principles studied, done with model clay by the student.
Clearing Various techniques directed at improving abilities and awareness.
Coach The person who helps another student understand or apply a particular text or drill.
Coaching The act of helping another student through a piece of theory or application.
Communication Interchange and duplication of particles between people.
Confusion Excessively unpredictable motion.
Crashing mis-understood A mis-understood word that stops one from doing the action of the subject.
Demo kit A collection of random objects that can be used to demonstrate principles for oneself or others.
Demonstration Showing how something works or how it is applied with physical universe objects.
Derivation The origin and development of a word.
Double-speak Language used to imply something else than what it actually says.
Euphemism The use of substitute words that are considered less offensive or distasteful than others.
Evaluation To judge and determine the meaning, correctness, value, and consequence of a datum.
False data Ideas that have been adopted that are found to be incorrect or inapplicable.
Glibness The characteristic of a student who can recite instantaneously what he read but who cannot apply it.
Gradient A step or a series of steps that increase the demands on the student at a rate he can handle.
Importance The degree of having relative value or consequence to the subject.
Instructor The person who supervises the course. His job is to make sure you learn the subject.
Jargon A specialized vocabulary of a profession.
M.U. Mis-Understood word.
Mass The actual thing that is studied, or a sufficient substitute for it.
Outpoint Something wrong with a datum. A piece of illogic.
Pluspoint Something correct and validating about a datum.
Reality Agreement as to what exists. Degree of duplication.
Retention The capacity for retaining or remembering what one has studied.
Significance The meaning, concept, or idea of something in distinction to the thing itself, which is the mass.
Student Someone who studies. He observes and learns about a subject in order to understand it and use it.
Study To apply one's mind to a subject in order to acquire knowledge and skill.
Understanding Knowingness in action. The ability to know about and interact with something.
Word clearing Various methods of locating and clearing mis-understood words.


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